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Perhaps, I am asleep. It's the only explanation. There is no way I am here having dinner with my werewolf mate, being proposed a marriage deal with my vampire childhood crush.

But a cold hand grabs my hand, bringing chills across my body. My gaze snaps to my left and grey eyes greet me.

Marisa wants to make sure she did not hear wrong either.

This is real. It's no dream.

As confirmation, a warm hand holds my other and squeezes, thawing the ice that had frozen me in place. Zain is barely holding on. He is going to lose his marbles and it brings me to action.

"Maddox is a pureblood," it's the only rebuttal I need. It's the sole fact that has constantly been present in my mind for the entirety of my life.

The reason why Maddox and I never crossed the line. The reason why Marisa has to marry Emmett and can't be with Adam. I don't have to remind them but I will, so that they can stop playing games.

I am not ignorant of their ways. The quicker they are aware of it, the quicker we can go on with our lives.

"Yes, he is. The youngest male pureblood to be specific," Arthur emphasizes.

I have no idea why he decided to bring this up. I also never thought about it. I don't keep up with the news in their world.

'I have a mate. That's the only response these bloodsuckers need,' Zain links me.

His hand seems to get warmer.

'I will handle it. We need to know what are their intentions. I want to know why my witches had to die. What was the point of everything?'

'And that's the only reason they have their head,' he gives me a look that sends shivers down my spine. But not in a good way.

Death is what he is promising. He is waiting for the opportune time for an execution.

I have to make sure they keep moving it along. If they keep up with this nonsense, then Zain won't be able to be merciful for long.

I reply, "Wasn't Maddox's punishment not a result of trying to intermix the species? That is in fact why you so call decided to punish him with the death of my witches. It's my suffering you wanted to be on his conscious, yet you expect me to believe that now you want to unite us."

"Lord Maddox had to learn a lesson. We act for the benefit of the race. His actions did not align with that so he had to be reminded of the consequences. Now, he has learned. We hold no grudge. He is too young to know any better. We must focus on what's the real issue at hand."

Marisa answers, her patience wearing thin, "which is."

"Ah, Lady Malfatto, soon to be Lady Ambrose, something you should very well remember before interjecting," Arthur glares at her.

She does not shrink but eyes Emmett. She is worried. Not like she is scarred about Arthur but concerned that she placed Emmett in a disfavored position.

I keep the observation in the back of my mind.

"As my Lady asked, what's the real issue at hand," I reiterate Marisa's question.

"The Malfattos are the last pureblood born. There have been no more purebloods after them," Arthur states.

The confession brings my eyebrows up in surprise. I never would have thought about it. Marisa and Maddox do not seem surprised but are taken aback by the importance.

Maddox interjects, "There haven't been any new marriages."

"You don't need to be married to produce offspring," Charles says. The way he says it makes me feel like he has participated in some way.

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