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She is putting up a wall toward him but she cannot do that any longer. We should cherish those we hold dear. Time waits for no one.

I move back and she tracks every movement. Her eyes flicker as my hand makes contact with Adam. I bring him in closer to us. He does not look at me. His focus is on her.

As my hands glide up his arms, she snarls. A sound that takes her by surprise. I smile in triumph. Adam catches it and it impulses him into action.

He brings his arm behind my back and squeezes my body close to him. The move took me completely by surprise. The whole time he stares her down. His hands slide up to my hair and grab a fistful, he finally looks at me.

He is asking for permission. I nod and he brings his lips crashing onto mine. I follow his pace.

Kissing Adam was different. There wasn't a want toward one another but we desired her to feel. It heightened our own emotions.

It became the driving force of our movements. We parted. Then simultaneously looked at her. There was a yearning in her eyes.

I smile at her sweetly, walking behind her. I rub her arms up and down delicately. I am only a few inches taller than her. My lips were slightly above her ears.

I whisper behind her. "Is this how you envisioned us?"

She gulps. The great lady Malfatto who doesn't take shit from anyone is in complete surrender. I smirk.

I moved her hair back. Then whisper again, "how many times have you thought of me," I glide my fingers down her neck.

She shivers. I nip at her ear and she gasps. She covers her mouth in astonishment. I smile again. I call Adam forward and he lines up in front of her.

I talked to Adam this time. "Do you know Adam that she has never taken from the same person more than a week?"

"I had never realized." He looks down at her. Her eyes shine brighter as he moves his hand to her face. His thumb grazed her lip.

"And how long has she fed from you?" I continue moving my hands up and down her arms.

"Over 5 months," he answers.

I giggle, "that must mean you must be quite the meal."

This time he smirks. He gets closer to her face, thumbing her bottom lip, "am I, my lady? Do you find myself to your liking because," he gets closer to her lips, "I find myself ravenous for you."

She steps back but I'm there. Adam crashes his lips onto hers. He was hungry for her. He did not know whether he was going to get another opportunity to have this moment so he relished her.

He presses hard against her and I keep behind her, making sure she has no room to run. He towers over her and bends down to grab her ass.

She moans and he takes the opening. She allows him inside her mouth and brings her arm around his shoulders. She becomes an active participant.

The spark in her ignited. I am no longer needed between the two but this was not the purpose. She needs to feed more and I promised to help her through it.

I walk toward their side and place my hand behind their backs bringing their attention back to me. Her eyes were red as ever. This time his we're also on displayed.

It dawns on me that this might not be the best idea, being between two bloodthirsty creatures.  But in a way, it made it more thrilling.

Adam and her embraced each other but they looked at me. She stays in his arms as I move closer to her and kiss her. I remove my arm behind Adam and cup her face.

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