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Four days have passed and not a word from my love. The admission is so new that it's foreign in my thoughts, yet they've done nothing but plague me of her.

I saw it in her searching eyes. She wanted me to lead her to an answer, for the burden to be removed from her shoulders. She does not want to be the one to decide our fate or that of her mate.


Helena wanted me to tell her to choose me. To instruct her to stay at my side. Her eyes pleaded for help but mine simply enticed her. I wanted her to get a glimpse of everything I could promise her without deciding for her.

I saw her desire. It mimics mine. If Zain was not present and did not practically yanked her out of there, then I felt she would have been swayed.

However, four days have passed and I've longed to see her face.

"What's the matter, baby," a blond coos and tries to entice me on her knees.

She is a gift from the Ambroses and is supposed to be my food. I imagined she thought I would partake in other delicacies. But nothing could be further than the truth at this moment.

All I can think about is Helena and the mere thought of consuming her blood has me on the edge. The thought of having any part of her in my mouth has driven me to the edge of madness.

We were never meant to be. We were supposed to be a game and a tease to one another because we couldn't allow ourselves to desire for more. Now, it's different.

I can wed her. She can be my wife. Life can finally bring all those things I did not want or at least pretended not to want because they weren't with her.

I was not interested in being a husband but with her, I want to be that and much more. Her friend. Her security. Her lover. I have been all that but they take a different meaning now.

She would be my wife because she is one of my cherished friends. I will protect her because she will be mine. I have loved her in secret but my hands and soul can claim her freely.

The thought of another pisses me off. A slight tick starts to form at my jaw, "get out."

"But you haven't even..."

I cut her with a look. I do not have the patience for anything. She gets up and saunters back to the door in defeat. I stand from the armchair to pour some scotch.

The door does not close immediately. As the girl steps out, my sister comes in.

Her calculated gaze starts at the bottom of my feet and works its way up. She notices the unbuttoned shirt, the disheveled hair, and the dark circles slightly visible.

"You probably should have let her feed you. You look ill." Her voice is cold, making the observation more grating.

The cup in my hand feels heavier, beckoning me to consume its contents. The bitter scotch scorches the back of my throat. Not enough to burn the thirst away.

"What may I do for you," I put the newly empty glass down.

"Can't I check on my brother," she saunters over to my bed and sits on the edge.

I give her a pointed look.

"Fine. I wanted to see what you have planned for our Helena?" She eyes me waiting.

Her question throws me off. A dark chuckle escapes my lips, "I have no idea what you are referring to. Thanks to someone, she is not with us."

"Did you want to return to that mutt's estate?"

I snap, "I didn't want her alone with him, that's certain."

"Then, you could have gone with her. You heard them. You were free."

"I've been here with these people for two weeks. I am not leaving you alone. Why did you treat her so poorly?" I've been dying to ask.

She stays quiet. We both remain silent for a while. None of us want to share our secrets first.

She cuts the silence, "She needed to see if she can survive without us."

She says it clipped like the words pained her, giving away her true reasoning. "You wanted to see if you can survive without her," I state.

Her lips remain tight but the way her eyes divert my gaze confirms my suspicions.

"She might choose him," she says softly. Her fears come to the front despite her efforts.

"Yet you still thought it wise to isolate her and leave her alone with him."

As if remembering something, she excitedly jumps to her feet. "Yes. At this point, she is going mad with worry. I know her. She will visit today, here."

I step back at her certainty, "you have communicated with her," I ask.

"No. But like I said, I know her. She will come. It's been too long and she will check on us. I've made it clear I won't go visit." She declares with a calculative smile.

I try to hide how impressed I am. "You wanted her to come here. Away from Zain."

"You would never be alone with her if you visited over there. She needed to think that the only way she sees us is if she folds and comes here."

I scoff, "he would never allow it."

She raises an eyebrow, "it's grand that our Helena does not take kindly to commands then. She will arrive and alone. She will make sure of it. I'm confident."

"And if she doesn't come."

"She will," Marisa says with no worries. She is one hundred percent confident.

She walks closer to me and starts fixing my shirt. "So I suggest you get yourself together."

I pluck her hands off and roll my shoulders, a smirk forms across my face. I start to button my shirt up. "What exactly are you expecting to happen?"

"Nothing more than what you want? More like what you need. You haven't fed well. Anybody can tell," she says, her voice slightly hums in satisfaction.

I hear her hidden words, Helena will be able to tell.

The thought of her blood again after all these years elicits something primal in me. The want increases.

I clear my throat, "I'm not going to tell her what to do."

"I don't want you to. She will make her own choice. But she needs to see what she is missing. She thinks she is in love with Zain but she is blinded by that bond."

"A bond that will still be there when she comes."

"Yeah, but she wavers when Zain is not present. She wants you. Her eyes don't lie." Marisa says walking toward the door.

No, they never do. I can tell she does even if she does not admit it to herself.

She opens the room door, "Maddox."

She says my name seriously. I stop fiddling with my clothes and give her my attention.

"I want her to choose us. I don't care about the hex or having children. I just want her to be with us. That will never happen with Zain in the picture. I'm not asking you to lie to her. I want you to act on your impulses. No more holding back. She needs to see the real you. She needs to risk it all. Make her."

I soak up her words.

"If she comes, then you have my word. I have no intention of depriving myself. My hunger will be sated."

I give her a wicked grin. She returns it as she announces, "Good because your meal arrived about five minutes ago. Helena awaits downstairs."

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