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He didn't have to state it but saying it made it much more real. Marisa and I's bond is broken.

When did it happen? How could I not notice?

Wait... or didn't I? The sensation I felt after my time with Zain. The snap in place. Our bond solidifying.

What if it wasn't that? Rather, a bond breaking. My heart drops at the pit of my stomach. This might be my fault.

Marisa leans closer, "Hey, where's your head?"

She is questioning how I feel, doubting our relationship. Before, she would just know. Now, she has to ask. I might be overthinking but I feel the loss.

"I can't help but think that this is my doing," I look at her, guilt killing me.

"I don't understand." She looks at me puzzled.

"I felt something when Zain and I finished. I assumed our bond was forming not that one was breaking."

Zain eyes me. He can sense my turmoil.

Marisa silences me with a peck on the cheek. I flush pink and laugh. She takes me off guard. Some things never change and I'm glad.

"Our bond had to be broken before then. I would have felt everything leading to that grand ending of yours," she tries to tease me.

She hates that I am with Zain but she will not allow me to pin this on myself.

She continues, "Unless, did you finish in a second dog? Was my girl too much for you?"

I clear my throat. That is furthest from the truth. Zain chuckles. My toes curled at the sound.

"I agree with Marisa. The bond had to be broken beforehand." He gives me a smirk before looking at Marisa, "We fucked so hard that little Miss Lady Malfatto would have killed Adam in an instant."

I blush more, crimson red taking over my face. I clear my throat.

"It has to be Jason then. He is the only one capable of breaking this bond. They have him and Maddox. Maybe, they are free too." I try to take in what that means for my brother and Maddox.

For whatever reason, they want us separate from the Malfattos.

I know why Zain would want me apart from them. He does not want my life tied to a vampire. He's a werewolf. I can understand more if he were the one calling the shots.

But he is not. The Ambroses are.

One thing is certain, they aren't interested in simply killing us off. They would have done it by now. They have bigger plans and it eats me up.

I don't know for how long much longer Jason or Maddox will be useful for them. They can be getting closer to their endgame. Getting them free is more crucial than ever.

"Jason would never do that," Marisa argues.

"He would for Maddie's sake," it's all too clear to me that she is simply their trump card for him. Their means to control him.

It's not as simple as choosing the Malfattos over our mates. Maddox and Marisa have always been number one. Yet, with Zain and Maddie in the picture, it complicates things.

It's not so easy. I love the Malfattos. I will give my life to them. But, Zain feels like he is my life. It sounds so dramatic but it's true.

It seems like my brother had to choose between the one he would sacrifice himself for versus the one he would never sacrifice. You would rather die than harm one, but, if forced, you will do anything to buy the other more time.

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