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The elderly lady waves him off, "I'll hold you to it."

"I'm sure you will. My boys will come back tomorrow to drop it off," he grabs a muffin from the counter, "This will be my payment," and starts walking toward the exit.

I couldn't let this opportunity pass by. I follow the man out the door and grab his attention.

"Excuse me, did I hear you say mahogany," I asked Jerry. He turns to look at me with his notebook in hand.

He gives me a quizzical stare, "you sure did. Can I help you with something?"

"I am interested in buying some furniture for my home," I lie.

"You aren't from here," he states.

"So you don't deliver," I ask.

"No, miss, we don't," he looks at me intently.

He is blowing me off. Any true businessman would try to make a sale. I start to get suspicious of him.

"That's a shame. Me and my friends were hoping to make a big buy," I try to entice him.

He grips his notebook tighter, "I don't sell to their kind."

At that, I scrunch my eyebrows. He knows what they are. I can tell he is human. Most, don't know about them.

I get closer to the man, "what kind is that?"

He gives me the same scrutiny. I look away for a brief second, bite my lip to try and loosen the tension in me. I breathe out the air I had in and square up to him.

My shoulders are high. My eyes are stern.

The closer I get to him, I see his eyes blink more. Something like recognition. He gets closer to me this time. I step back.

"What's your name," he cautiously asks.

I probably should not give him my name. If he knows what Marisa and Maddox are, then who's to say he does not know about Jason and me? This man is a person of interest.

A bell jingles in the distance. The coffee shop's door.

"Is there a problem, Helena," Marisa gets close.

The man's eyebrows go high. He touches my arm, "Helena Thorn?"

I pull my arm back but his grip stays on it. I am surprised to hear my full name. Marisa is about to intervene but I tell her I am ok.

Another jingle. Maddox has come out.

"Let go, sir," he instructs Jerry.

Jerry blinks a few times then complies. He looks at our new arrivals and my proximity to them. There is repulsion in his facial features.

I study the man intensely. His auburn hair does not seem familiar. However, his green eyes, a hue similar to mine, with subtle wrinkles underneath seem vaguely recognizable.

I ask, "Do I know you?"

"No. My mistake," he sets to walk off.

I go after him before he makes it to his truck, "you said my name. You know who I am."

He eyes behind me, "Get inside the truck, and I might divulge you with information."

"I don't know you," I answer in disbelief.

"I will not harm you. You can trust me," he says.

I look behind to where Marisa and Maddox are at. They are listening intently. Marisa gives a subtle head nod. She disapproves of the idea.

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