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"Where is it," she asks alarmed.

I do not know what to tell her. Do I say, 'Oh I took it off and by the way, Zain is my perfect match.'

Perhaps, I should tell her it broke. But none of those responses seem fine.

She is my best friend. She will understand.

"I took it off," I say calmly.

"Why would you do that? Your mother said it will keep you safe. I guess, we know how," she remarks.

"What do you mean?"

"She mixed our blood to make the necklace. I don't know what exactly she did, but the necklace obviously controls our bond. Made it more manageable. Put it back on," she suggests.

I bite my lip. I should want to put it on. I don't want Marisa to feel what I am feeling all the time, especially if it brings her blood lust. I will be risking her and those around us if she goes into a frenzy.

I look at Zain and he does not look pleased. I wonder, will my feelings go back to what they were before? My feelings might diminish.

It could be for the best. My mother must have known that lust would cloud my judgment. I reach for my pocket, and Zain places his hand on my shoulder. I squint my eyes at him.

He says, "Don't."

"I must. It is affecting her. If she goes into a frenzy, your pack will for sure not trust them," I inform him.

"Can't you undo it," he asks.

"The bond," I raise my eyebrows.

It never occurred to me, and it never will. If I do, then what's to say he will honor our promise or protect them as ferociously as he would me? It's not fair, but I care about Marisa and Maddox.

If her life being bonded to me is a fail-safe, then I am willing to be tied to her.

"No, I can't. I would have to know the exact spell to reverse it. Even if I knew, I wouldn't. There is a reason it is in place," I respond.

"I give you my word, they will be protected," he answers.

"I can't risk it."

"You don't trust me despite what we have learned."

"Trust is earned. I feel like I understand why my parents wanted to hide us. They wanted us to make decisions based on logical reasonings, not irrational feelings."

He looks at me in disbelief, "Your parents hid you from me. There is not a good enough reason for it. If their kids were mated with wolves and their children bonded to vampires, there was no reason to hide you or the Malfattos. I would have protected you and subsequently, Marisa. This is far greater, and we need to investigate it, but you will not be hidden from me again."

Marisa eyes both of us. I forgot she is here.

"You mated with the dog...the necklace hides you from," she eyes Zain, trailing off.

Her eyes widen in disbelief.

I grab her hand, "Keep this between us. I am not sure what it means."

"I think it means you will need to buy a leash."

I bury down a laugh. I hug her. I knew she would keep the secret.

"Wait, what about Jason and Maddox," she asks.

"Not until I find out more information."

"Even from family you want to keep this a secret," she reprimands.

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