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The clock for the past hour has been constant. Its hands make steady precise movements every second, yet time seems slow. More than slow, as if it has stopped altogether.

The dinner approaches. I have waited all day, all two weeks for this moment. Now, that it's minutes from seeing them, from seeing her, time has stopped completely.

The clock mocks me, at my burning need for it to finally place its hands at 7.

Soft chestnut waves come to mind. The strands of hair are a mess yet perfectly in sync with each other.

Green eyes plague my mind. Its beauty is captivating. Perfect emeralds that shine. They have kept a glow throughout the years illuminating my life.

Then, there's the warm olive skin. Quite a contrast to the ice underneath my pale hue. When she's next to me, my skin appears to darken. But, it's an illusion. The reality is that she simply makes me feel alive.

The amusement she causes creates red undertones. Then, when she is off without a guard, breaking the rules with her charge, a feeling so sick consumes me that I pick up earthy undertones.

Helena has constantly been on my mind since I've been here.


There has not been a day her presence isn't constantly on my mind.

Maybe, it started the day I tasted her all those years back when I lost my composure. I regretted not taking my shot then.


It was sooner than that. Perhaps, since we were hurdled in the closet as kids and I saw how shaken she was at the realization of her mother's impending death. I covered her ears and guided her eyes to me.

She latched onto me like a beacon. I saw it in her eyes. She had found her light, her guidance and I never wanted to jeopardize her security.

I played the part of master, protector, and friend for her sake. But I will go for the real role I want, her love.

Even if I dam us, or bring darkness into her world, I am a monster of the night. I live in darkness, relish in it. I won't let her get lost.

I hear footsteps closing in. I get up and roll my shoulders to loosen the tension.

I am wrong. It's two pairs of footsteps.

They cease as they take me in. The annoying one speaks first, his hazel eyes raking my body in judgment. "In those rags, you look like a true pureblood. Shame you don't act as one."

A chuckle escapes my lips but there is no humor in it. Charles gets under my skin and if it wasn't for everyone's wellbeing, he would have been dead.

"Now. Now. Charles. We promised to be friends. After all, we both know my lineage isn't in question. Why else have the lines been begging for my sister's and I's participation? What's the matter? Even with limited options, they refuse to fuck you."

Charles moves his hand through his blond hair. It's so easy to get under his skin. It's no secret that his family has decided to pair off his little brother before him.

To my sister nonetheless.

Why the Ambrose line decided to skip the future leader of the clan is unknown but it bothers him that people think it's because of incompetence.

He gets closer to me. His body lining up with mine. I don't retreat from his form. "You will regret that. I promise."

A pair of hands come between us parting us apart. The more tolerable one speaks, "The night is barely about to start and we need to behave. You know what's at stake. Right?" Emmett directs the question to me.

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