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There is a subtle bounce in my step as we rush to get dressed. It is either from the climaxes my body has not recovered from, or the slight nerves of what's to come when we cross the kitchen door.

Facing Marisa is the least of my problems. Before, I would worry that she would give me grief. But she isn't interested in me anymore. She has to be aware by now.

She is, however, cognizant of the cat-and-mouse game Maddox and I have played. I want to believe that she will be somewhat glad for me.

Not because I'm no longer with Zain, but rather for choosing Maddox as my partner. For being able to beat such an unbearable bond with Zain and listening to my heart, acknowledging that the only way I can be happy is by having them at my side.

The Malfattos take priority. It's not because of the master/servitude relationship we had all these years. It's because we have endured all the bad together.

We have been thrown into political games and given roles none of us have asked for. We should have crumbled under the pressure. We could have taken different routes and turned destructive but we survived without losing each other.

For the most part, we are decent beings and that's because we have kept each other grounded. The stuff we have been through formed indestructible bonds. I didn't need some outside source to tell me that this was right.

In my heart and my memories, it's clear that nothing can be stronger and truer than our connection, even if it isn't some instant perfect thing. It's flawed but that makes it much more special.

No, the nerves spring from knowing my actions in this kitchen just changed the fate of many.

Maddox and I got ourselves together quickly to the best of our abilities. It's quite hard to do with the electric sensation lingering around the air after the magic we produced minutes ago.

He stares at me. I shift my gaze. He smirks. I don't have to look to know.

I look at him and he raises an eyebrow daring me to taunt him, so he can lay me flat and show me once more the things our bodies can do together. So, I divert again. It's responded by a chuckle from him that brings tingles across my skin.

"We should get out before I change my mind," his smooth voice catches my attention.

I nod, "I'm all set," I straighten my blouse with my hands.

He gets closer to me and plants a tender kiss on my forehead. I close my eyes and enjoy it. When I'm ready, I move my gaze up and smile. He returns it.

I'm prepared to walk toward the door side by side, my limbs to myself. Each of us with space but still near each other. But that's not what happens.

He grabs my hand and leads us to the door. When the door opens, I see Marisa waiting impatiently with a devious smile gracing her face backed by a nonchalant Adam, his arms crossed as he leans against the wall.

I'm expecting Maddox to release my hand but his grip gets firmer. The first one who tries to break contact is me. I loosen my grip and he lets go. I'm slightly embarrassed with Marisa as she eyes me down with a knowing grin.

Maddox, however, released my hand only to place his arm around my shoulders, reeling me closer. It's a strong pull and I slightly bounce off him. I become rigid under his arm and Marisa's gaze.

"Yes, Helena will be staying," Maddox starts.

Marisa keeps her gaze on me, "I thought so. I shall inform our hosts."

She keeps her distance and it's a little grating.

"I'm surprised you are willing to do that for someone who is not worthy of your time," I snap at her, not forgetting the silent treatment she has been giving me.

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