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Zain Levine, my fiancé, is at my room door while I am in the shower with Maddox after only getting fingered by him seconds ago.

Maddox looks at me expectedly. I am confused. He gestures towards the door. Then, it pops into my head. There is a plan for his madness.

I yell out, "Coming," only to invisibly palm my face.

Zain can't hear me. I spelled the room.

I leave the shower running with Maddox in it and wrap my towel around my body for a second time today. I close the bathroom door, rushing into my room in search of any evidence.

I am about to open the door for Zain when I notice Maddox's shirt. I sprint to throw it under the bed covers. By the time I open the door, I am out of breath.

I stare out and get greeted by a broad chest encased in that white polo from earlier. I move my gaze up and notice the blue orbs staring me down.

"Sorry, I was in the shower," I say out of breath from all the running.

I see now why Maddox did what he did. Clever. Because I did look like someone who got taken off guard by an unforeseen guest and rushed out of the shower, flushed by the sudden intrusion.

He eyes me down, making me aware of how exposed I am to him.


With Maddox, I felt comfortable. It did not phase me earlier that he saw me in this state.

Now, with Zain, I can't help feeling like my skin is on fire. There is some self-consciousness. I grip my towel.

He clears his throat, "I am sorry. I did not know."

"How would you," I snap, then quickly give a smile.

I am still running with adrenaline from the fact that only a few feet away Maddox remains. He no doubt is listening in.

"I mean I could not hear the shower running," he eyes the room through the open door, looks at the closed bathroom door then continues, "which I can hear now that the door is open."

"Is eavesdropping something I should be expecting," I question.

"No, but I would not bother you in your state had I known," he eyes me down again.

I grab my towel closer to my chest. He leans against the door frame with his arms crossed.

"It's weird. Why could I not hear it till now," he puzzles over.

I decide to say some truth, "I spelled the room. You won't be able to hear anything from this room unless the door is open. I like my privacy. I am entitled to it, aren't I?"

"Yes, you are. May I ask though what exactly you would not want me to hear?"

"I barely know you Alpha Zain or my surroundings. I have people to protect. If I wish to disclose something to you, then I will personally tell you. Eventually, the need to spell this room would no longer be needed once I trust you. But, until that day, I will protect my matters and any private secrets of my masters," I say in a matter-of-fact tone.

The hypocrisy of talking about him earning my trust when I have already dis-earned his is on thick. I try not to let the guilt get to me.

He eyes me before nodding, "I understand. Do as you wish."

We stay at the door in silence. I am still confused as to why he is here.

I say, "So can I help you with something? As you can see, I'm a little under-dress."

He gets off the door frame and straightens. I see his attention snag on my figure. I try not to pay it any attention.

"Um, yes, I was hoping you would go for a walk with me. I wanted to have a chat before dinner. Maybe show you around," he proposes.

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