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The normal tranquility I get when looking into Maddox's eyes is gone. All I see in them is red.

The color red does not scare me usually. Red is the color of blood. Almost everyone close to me needs to consume blood to survive and thrive. It's a normal thing.

It is also the color that haunts my dreams. It's the color that seeped underneath the closet door years back, my mother's blood. It was a haunting moment, but who was there to comfort me?


Now, I look into his eyes and see him engulfed with that very familiar tint hue. Yet, it's not comfort I feel. It's fright. Maddox with blood lust is terrifying.

His usual grace was defiled by the tension in his shoulders. His normal calm demeanor was overtaken by anger. His eyebrows scrunched. His lips outlined in a snarl.

I feel a tight squeeze in my hand. Zain is warning me. I try my best not to make any sudden movements. I don't want to set Maddox off.

I lowly call out his name. Maddox studies me with much scrutiny. I don't think he is registering who I am.

His snarl echoes in the forest. I slightly take a step back. Zain gets closer. Both his hands are now around my waist, holding me close and near his front.

He wants to throw me behind him but I am afraid that will aggravate the situation. If Maddox is showing me this amount of unfamiliarity, then he will for sure go off on Zain.

Zain's touch is engraved in my skin. I feel his magic but I don't extract it. I get familiar with the feeling to ensure I am ready at any moment's notice to use it.

I call out Maddox's name again. He takes a step forward. I warn him to stop but he gets closer.

Zain growls. I put my hands up in a plea to stop these monsters from acting out. Although both have a special place in my heart, I don't forget what their true nature is, an immortal bloodsucker and an enhanced wilder beast.

I yell this time, "Stop. Maddox look at me. This is not you. You are fine."

Maddox shakes his head as if trying to get rid of the blood rage.

He clenches his teeth, "I can't control it for much longer. Leave me."

"I will not," I declare.

Zain adds, "Control yourself. I will not leave you to roam the premises on your own in MY territory."

Maddox snarls, "Who cares about your pack? Take her out of here. NOW!"

I see Maddox clench his fists. He is in pain. He is hungry but fighting it.

He forgets I am tethered to him. Even if I wanted to run, I can't without pulling him with me.

We get into this type of standstill. Maddox does not move. We do not move.

Maddox hunches over, loud grunts leaving his lips. He looks so lost. I have never seen him in this condition. I want to comfort him. I get closer.

Zain attempts to hold me still but all I can think is easing Maddox's suffering. So, I do a familiar trick on Zain. I used his touch to keep him in place.

This could be the wrong move but I don't want to leave Maddox in the state he is in. As my hands land on Maddox's cold face, I hear Zain growl.

"Helena release me," Zain grunts through my invisible hold.

"Just give me a minute," I say through shaking hands as I search Maddox's face for any signs of his usual self.

Maddox grabs me by the shoulders and pushes me, "Get away."

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