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My head whips back to Marisa so fast. It cannot be. Marisa doesn't have a fiance.

Besides recently, I have never heard of the Ambroses. Well, that's not quite true. I have heard of them but it was a conversation from afar. One of no importance.

Their line is pureblood. I knew they were always present in the big vampire events but that's pretty much it. Before coming here with Zain, I never would have thought they were responsible for anything against us.

They hated the Malfattos. But it was rumored that they were responsible for their extinction. Maddox never seemed to pay them extra attention.

Surely, something like a marriage proposal would have been of importance. Marisa would have told me.

Marisa's eyes slightly squint. She does not outright deny it which puts me on edge.

She looks past me toward Emmett, "That was a long time ago."

"Yet, I do not recall a note ending our engagement," he keeps his gaze on her.

My mouth is slightly gaped open at the surprise. Her features aren't one hundred percent hatred. To an extent, they are soft. She does not want to be seen by this man but she does not hate him as she should.

I can tell. There is something in her eyes that is all sorts of wrong considering the role this man has played in the kidnappings and torture.

"Please, Emmett, where is my brother? What's with all of this? You seriously had to do with everything," she finally gets off the step of the stairs. Adam tails right behind her.

Emmett's eyes dance with excitement. He smiles slightly, "I love hearing my name come out of your lips. I could hardly wait for the time you and I got to be together."

I feel a light touch across my mind. 'Seems to me like I might not be the only one tied to the Ambroses. Your little vamp has kept secrets.'

I give him a death stare. I don't like his insinuation but can't deny any of his words.

I see her attempt to walk closer to him but Adam grabs her shoulder. She gives him a smug look. One I haven't seen in a while between them. She is pulling rank.

You wouldn't be able to tell that these two finished shacking up moments ago, that she has blurred the lines between them and has gone so far as to share her blood with him.

In this moment, she is his lady telling him to stay put. I see the hurt in Adam's eyes but he complies. He will always comply.

She resumes her gaze towards Emmett. He is satisfied in the viciousness of Marisa's cold demeanor toward Adam.

This time I call out to her. She can't put me in any place. She looks at me for a second but continues walking toward Emmett. She gets directly in front of him.

Her hands reach out toward his chest. She lays her palms on him and looks up at him, "Tell me this isn't your doing. You promised me."

The gears in my head are going on overdrive. What promise does she speak of? Could this have more to do with Marisa than Zain?

I'm starting to think that I can't trust anyone. Emmett's hand comes to her face. He rubs her cheek with his thumb while placing the other gently on her hip. The most astonishing thing is that she allows it. She does not instantly repel from his touch.

She couldn't even drink from Adam but would allow for this man to grope her.

"Little bird, I promised not to hurt you. I have honored that," he caresses her cheek some more.

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