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I enter the room and do not pay him attention. I walk straight for my luggage, placing it on the bed.

"You can leave," I say, looking through my clothes.

In a blink of an eye, he is at my side, shutting the luggage close. I roll my eyes but follow his lead. He places a hand against my shoulder and guides me against the wall. His amber eyes a blood lust red.

I tilt my head to the side, allowing him to nuzzle his nose against my neck.

"I am very upset right now," he moves his face up and down the side of my neck.

The goosebumps on my arms multiplied. I do not allow him to get in my head.

"And I do not care," I attempt to move. His body blocks my retreat.

"I'm not playing, Helena. Why did you agree," he takes his attention from my neck to look at me.

His eyes show his true desire. He wants me. He wants my blood.

"Go feed off someone else," I argue.

"We both know that is not what you want. Should I remind you of that night all those years back," his fangs elongate slightly caressing my skin, a tease.

He does not have to. I remember. It was the only time Maddox fed from me.

Maddox and Marisa have many vampy volunteers to feed from. Humans are too vulgar for purebloods.

Typically, all vampires from Vales stay away from my witches. It's part of the treaty unless given consent by the witch or warlock.

When we were kids, Marisa was hungry and like many times, we were alone. I was curious about how it felt so I allowed her to feed from me.

What I discovered is that their bite is as delicious to the receiver as it is to the giver. When Marisa bit into me for the first time, I felt a rush.

It was pure adrenaline. Even more remarkable, she allowed me in. I saw what she wanted me to see. She would put all these imaginary scenes in my head. As a kid, I found it astonishing.

However, I did not know that at the same time, I had allowed her in. With each sip she took from me, she saw my true desires. It was during this first feeding that she discovered my crush on Maddox.

But she was my best friend, a sister. I did not care to share the information with her. After that time, I continued feeding her. It brought us closer. There were no barriers between us.

The feedings with her stopped on the night Maddox is referring to. We were teenagers. He was beyond angry because the other lines had started to press the issue on his breeding with another. They threatened Marisa, Jason, and me.

He fed from many vamps, but nothing quenched his thirst. He was on a rampage. Jason came to me for help. He asked me to find a way to contain Maddox while he went to get more volunteers for his feed. He also needed to establish security with the new threat.

So, I went. I found him in his study. His shirt was unbuttoned, and his beautiful pale abdomen was in full display. My heart was erratic, and he felt it. It's as if he saw how fast my pulse was raising.

Like he could see, the blood rushing through my veins. It was something he could not resist. This was the first and only time he crossed the line with me.

He grabbed me by the arms. Before I knew it, he had pinned me against some bookshelves. He did not ask for permission. We both wanted it.

I wanted to feel him. He was so enraged, so savagely thirsty.

He did not give it a second thought. His fangs pierced into me. The feeding session with Maddox was nothing like the ones with Marisa. I felt pure dopamine rush through my veins, a heating sensation.

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