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His face is stoic. Seems like my presence does nothing to him while my heart beats hard against my chest.

I check him out. He has clean clothes. His skin was white but plump.

He has been feeding.

I sigh in relief. He is healthy.

He smirks at me. I almost burst. Finally, we are together. Everyone. Marisa, me, Maddox, and Jason like it's meant to be.

I hear a growl and hard hands claim my waist. Zain's words to Maddox barely register.

Maddox schools his expressions. Except, there is a slight tick near his jaw. He is pissed. Not that he will ever admit it. I can tell though.

I part my gaze from Maddox for the first time since laying eyes on him and look at Zain.

He, on the other hand, intends to let everyone know what he is feeling. His brows scrunched in the center. His blue eyes were darker. His lips are in a firm line and his posture has tensed.

He is angry and he wants everyone to comprehend not to fuck with him. Me ogling Maddox probably does not help his temper.

I don't let Maddox answer. I respond to Zain.

"I was only checking on him," I reply, referencing Maddox's eyes.

They have transitioned, yet he seems to be in control.

"Don't worry, amica mea. It's me," he answers. His voice was smooth.

He runs his eyes along my body and I blush at the blatant staring. There is something different in his attitude.

He has called me amica mea since I can remember, but his tone changed. Before, he would say it in an endearing way. Now, when he said it, it sounds lush. It sounds real which I know can't be right.

He drew the line first. Then, I remade the line after finding Zain. I notified him. So why am I getting mixed messages?

On instinct, I retreat against Zain. Things have changed and I want Maddox to understand.

My relationship with Zain has stabilized and I can't turn back time. I hear a rumble, then a kiss on the side of my head. My actions calm Zain.

"Hello, nice to see you too brother. Great to know you aren't dead," we snap our heads at Marisa who waves her hand in an obnoxious side-to-side motion.

Maddox rolls his eyes but gives her his attention. He places his hands behind his back, "Why am I not surprised that the separation has not instilled manners in you?"

Maddox scrutinizes her. He belittles her often. It doesn't come from a bad place. He wants her to be perfect, to be better. So, he believes in tough love.

The only unfortunate part is that it gets to Marisa. All she hears is criticism and I don't blame her.

She has been worried for him. We both have. She is upset that she wasn't his first thought. It seemed like he didn't even give her any thought.

He wasn't looking for her. It rubbed her the wrong way. Hence, the response.

I see her face become cold. She is shielding herself. Maddox does not realize it's his upbringing that has made Marisa such a predator.

To most, she will have no feelings, no care, no morals, and no limitations. She rips into people because that's how she copes. I'm glad that I'm not her enemy and one of the few who gets to see her charming side.

She scoffs, "At least, I got a clue during our time apart." She gets closer to him, and releases a whisper, "Your precious Helena has mated the dog."

I tense at the sound of my name. Maddox scowls and gives Marisa a stair down. I clear my throat trying to loosen the tension.

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