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He agrees with my decision, acts on it as he desperately descends on my lips again. This time there was no holding back. No pushing away.

I wrap my arms around his neck and he lifts me onto the table. We pull and push on each other. My lips part for him.

His tongue greets mine greedily and I welcome it. I've kissed him before but not like this. Without any barriers or lies, it's richer. I appeared to be the one in a frenzy as I suck his bottom lip.

The move unhinges him completely. His weight encompasses me as he lets himself fall on me. My back makes contact with the hard table yet it's the length at my center that I notice.

My thighs encircle him and he thanks the gesture by kissing my neck. I pant through it, burning for him and not even his usual cold touch can sizzle the fire he has created. I place my hand behind his back and urge him forward.

His length grinding against me. He snarls and the sound has me trembling with want. I can not thank the carpenters enough for this sturdy table.

I repeat the motion and he curses, his weight slightly lifting as he supports himself on his forearms. He looks at me and it's bewildered.

"Stop that. You are making it hard to stay in control," he warns. His eyes blazing red.

He pants against my lips and it's his air I take in.

"I don't need you in control. I need you in me," I nip his lip.

In answer, he cracks. More like unravels me. He lifts enough to take my shirt off before kissing his way down my abdomen. Paired with nicks, reminding me of his other needs.

"Wait, you should feed," I pant.

Who knows how long he hasn't fed?

I don't feel him on me anymore but his hands make do with my pants. I hear something screeching against the floor and I lift off my elbows to take a peek. What I see takes the air out of me.

Maddox has scooted the chair closer to him. He hovers dangerously near my center. Although my undergarments are in place, I feel bare to him. He lowers himself excruciatingly slow on the chair and I whisper his name in fear of becoming undone.

"Do not fret, my love. I fully intend on feasting," he leads kisses from my feet to my legs.

I look down at him and wiggle at the anticipation.

He perks up and commands, "Lay back down."

I do. I rest my nervous palms flat on the table when I feel a tug on my ankles. I yelp at the suddenness.

His laugh makes me aware of his newly found closeness to my center. He brought me to the edge, nearer to him. I lifted my head again and I regretted it instantly.

A wicked smile forms across his face as he lowers himself, grazing his nose to the inner of my thighs. I fight the urge to shut them. There is a greater need for friction as I can feel myself react to his proximity.

He kisses softly on one side then switches to the other. Slowly trails his tongue near my center but makes sure not to touch it.

"Maddox," I plead, the wanting becoming unbearable.

"You're so soft." He kisses. I grind a little but he keeps me down. His hands are firmly on my thighs.

"Stay still, it will hurt less," is the only warning I get before his fangs quickly pierce my inner thigh.

I bite my lip hard as he sucks strongly. It never occurred to me that one can feed from this position. I suppose everywhere is fair game. As he takes more out of me, I can feel myself drift, laying back down on the table.

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