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Zain grips my waist with both his hands. He slams his body to me as his lips devour me.

The sensation sparked a fire under my belly but I tried my best not to give it ignition. He is wrong. I don't want him.

It's the last thing I desire. This whole time I wanted nothing to do with him. All I desired from him was cooperation. Yet, his lips are sinful.

Every brick I placed up against his charms seems to be tumbling down, and it is terrifying.

I place my hands on his biceps and squeeze them.

Stop. Please stop Zain.

I don't want to forget all he has done and what he has cost me. I hear a rumble in his chest and his hands move up my body. They enter- twine in my hair as he moves us.

Seems like everyone is taking advantage of their shots today. My heart speeds up as cold marble meets the small arch at my back.

His right bicep flexes under my hand as he bends down slightly and uses his hand to lift me from my thigh. My body aids and hops on the counter.

My mind becomes more muddled. I have to stop this. I push away.

"Stop, Zain," I tell him.

He sucks my bottom lip and moves my chin up. "The only way I stop is if you will it."

"Why must I use my charm? A gentleman should take no as an answer." I look down at us.

The way his body has wedged between my thighs.

My heart almost stops at the sight of his grin. The left corner of his mouth slightly lifts.

"I never said I was a gentleman."

"Clearly," I gulp.

He brings his hand up my back, bringing my body closer to his and to the outer part of the counter. The other hand lays possessively over my thigh.

I can see his intention to move in for another kiss so I take his suggestion to heart. I will him to stop and he does not move any further.

He grins again. "That's cheating."

"And a rather good recommendation. Thank you." I give him a cheeky smile back.

He does not seem angry by my defiance. He seems charmed. His smile gets bigger and my eyes sparkle at the sight.

I would have done anything to keep him happy. I have no right to be cheerful at the moment. I look down and check my feelings.

When I bring my vision back to his eyes, my features have hardened. "I should be going now."

I push him away but he does not move. His hands seem hotter on me.

I give him a look. "Although I can wish you off, I prefer you do the right thing for once."

He gives me a hard look, one that stares into my soul. "Helena, how many times must I apologize? I am sorry for deceiving you or not telling you the whole truth. But I did not plan Jason's capture nor the event at Jerry's cabin."

"While that may be true, it doesn't change the fact that your lack of sharing has cost me my brother, Maddox, and my coven, not to mention the damage it has done to Marisa."

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