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Losing Jason was devastating. But he is out there somewhere. The loss is temporary.

The loss of my coven is soul-crushing. These are the people I was raised with. People who shared a table with me. Comforted me during hard times.

These were my friends. And they are gone.

The vamps we brought along were not subjects. Many of them watched over me after the death of my parents. They were open to my and Jason's lead. They respected our rules.

We were one in Vales. It was not vamps and witches. We were a family fighting for a common goal: to live. To make this world into one that is worth walking on.

And everyone is gone. I can't think straight. The insides of my head are crushing me, making it hard to breathe. I have no air.

They were my eyes and ears. I take another forceful breath. They came here to protect us. I failed them.

My gaze shifts down to my feet. There is no air. Why is there no air?

No, it's not my gaze. I am shifting down. My fingertips contact the hard floor.

I sense Marisa kneeling by me but it's not comforting me.

"That's not how I wanted to tell you. I am sorry, Helena. I am so sorry. I couldn't do anything. It was so unexpected." Marisa tries to explain.

I don't blame her but I don't want to hear it. The ache in my heart feels like it would move the earth, the wind, and the sky. All the while I fail to catch a decent breath.

Nothing makes sense. Who would take it this far?

"Was it quick?" I pray that my girls didn't feel anything. I hope their necks got snapped. Their hearts ripped out.

I want anything to be truthful as long as they did not suffer. I couldn't bear it.

Marisa, however, stays quiet. Her eyes strained.

No, it was not quick.

If I focus on the pain and the realization that I failed to protect them, I will crumble. Instead, I need to know who caused such destruction.

Hyperventilating helps no one. Not me and most definitely not the dead. I take a deep breath and stand up.

I don't look at Marisa because her distress will make me crumble. So, I focus on a point in the ground. I fist my hands.

There is a quiver in my voice but not from sadness rather from utter pure rage. "Who?"

"I am not sure. Why don't you ask Zain?" Her voice became stern.

I quickly whip my head to her eyes at the insinuation. She stares me down and does not blink. Her eyes are unmoving and unforgiving.

Marisa has shifted. She is distracting herself from the sorrow. Anger has come to the forefront.

She meant what she said. She thinks Zain is aware. The way her tone is says more than him being knowledgeable.

She is accusing him. I glare at Zain. Marisa must be wrong. Zain couldn't have betrayed me to the extent that cost so much devastation.

I search for his reassuring eyes but I get regretful ones. 

"Why would I have to ask you?" I say to Zain.

He steps closer but I lift my hand to stop him.

"I do not know what she is talking about."

Marisa makes an unbelievable scoff as she turns her body towards him. His stance locks under her surveillance. She is marking her prey. There is a twitch in her fingers.

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