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Nothing that Jerry says makes sense. My mother does not have a pack.

"My mother is not a werewolf," I dispute.

The mother in my dreams would not hide that big of a secret from me. The one who saved me using her life and magic would not deceive her flesh. I trust her.

My parents were the leaders of the Thorn witch coven. They were witches, I remind myself.

He walks to Maddox and Marisa. I tail him. The wind mimics my heart, going faster by the minute. The skies are getting upset.

Jerry looks at Maddox, "Was it you who killed my brother?"

Maddox raises his eyebrow. His hands behind his back, the image of an aristocratic man. Jerry's accusations do not phase him.

He knows there is no truth to them.

"Mr. Thorn was an honorable man. I would have not disgraced him with such betrayal," Maddox says with a matter-of-fact tone.

Placing my hand on Jerry's shoulder, I move him so that he backs away from Maddox.

"Jerry, answer me. How can you say my mother's pack has my brother when she is no werewolf," I probe.

Jerry looks me over. His green eyes cloud with contemplation. He is backing down. I won't let him.

"Uncle, please," I say the foreign words.

Besides Jason, I don't have more direct family. Calling this man uncle when he has not earned it, feels unnatural.

But, it works. His eyes are clear with a decision.

"Your mother was no werewolf but she was part of a pack," he stops himself.

I sit at the table next to Marisa. She leans in closer. Maddox takes his seat too.

We all wait for the story only he knows. I give him an encouraging nod.

He huffs, "The blood moon pack may reside on the other side of here at the pine forest but they own all of this. The town is run by them whether the humans know it or not. They also own there."

He points to the woods beyond his house, the mahogany forest. I'm trying to grasp the extent of Zain's control.

We left his territory to town. Only to find out that the town is part of it. That means he knows where we are staying.

Jerry continues, "I met your mother when my brother brought her here frantic. She was running and dragged my brother into her mess. I had warned my brother when I first caught wind that she was part of the pack to stay away from her. He did not listen."

I redirect his rant, "What was she running from?"

"Your mother was born into the pack. Her parents served the blood moon pack. Like her, they were meddling fools and got themselves killed. She was orphaned at a young age. The pack raised her. She did not grow as a witch. Without her parents to guide her, she simply was a human in a pack of wolves..."

Before her death, my mother was known as a strong witch. She had lots of knowledge. I wonder how she got to her level without a guide.

"...Your mother was very cared for by the pack. Let me be clear, she was one of them. I would see them when they would travel into town. She was no prisoner."

She must have met my father this way.

He nods his head, "Yes, this is how she met your father. They would see each other here and there. I saw how she had him head over heels. We knew about the pack. My family made a deal with them decades ago to harvest the wood from the forest. Your father and I were raised with the knowledge of them. I warned him not to meet with one of their members."

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