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I'm not sure whether I ran to him or he got to me first. But, seconds after I noticed Zain's intentions, I was in front of him.

Zain was fuming, body shaking. He wants to lose control and give in to his primal side, let the wolf out. Yet, the moment he started running, I also saw him fight an urge.

He doesn't want to hurt me.

My arms around his torso stun him. I latch on, letting out, "I'm so sorry. Please don't do it."

I assume that although it appears he ran to me, it was Maddox and Marisa he wanted.

At first, I felt no movement, just his torso contracting. Then, rough hands on my biceps pushed me off. He has me in a grip in front of him.

I search his eyes and he is lost in a sea of emotions, the color of his orbs reflecting the chaos.

His voice was raw and hurting, "there was no other way. You couldn't find how to break the curse so you had to go to him. You brought them here because you don't want them in danger after the Ambroses realize that you can't do it anymore. It was a one-time thing."

I realize why he has restraint.


It crushes me even more that he is holding on, especially as I start to feel a similar pang. My soul realizes that I am at the point of denying its mate.

He is upset, but he would forgive me if I said that he was right. If I state that I had to try at least once to lay with Maddox in hopes of having a child, in hopes of starting a treaty with the vamps and creating a sense of peace.

He would take me back and them in, if I said I wouldn't do it again. That I needed to protect my friends. I know he would.

He would do anything to prevent the devastating words he is praying won't come out. The words that would end us and his control. But, I have to.

I shake my head slowly, "it's not important why they are here. I am here to apologize. Zain, it's not a one-time thing."

His hands open then close again around my biceps, adjusting, "Why are you apologizing?"

He still wishes.

My heart pounds as I become aware of how brutal I will have to be. "For choosing him," I indicate to the back of me, my gaze shifting.

Maddox honed a cold stare. His hands were behind like they often are. Years of being at his side make me realize that it's his way of restraining himself. He is someone who has always had to put up a front and be on his best behavior, the Malfatto heir.

Such limitation and discipline have caused high emotions. But, he can't act out. So he portrays an air of emotionlessness and places his hands behind his back.

However, I look into those stern golden eyes and it's clear to me he is anything but indifferent. He hates that Zain is touching me harshly. He loathes the fact that it's partly my fault, for running towards and not away from Zain.

And, he despises that I made him promise to let me handle the situation. He is trying to comply.

Marisa, on the other hand, her grey eyes focus on Zain, targeting. I understand my time is limited as her hands, fold and unfold.

Unlike Maddox, she won't control herself. She never has. The pressure was never on her to act appropriately. With Maddox's vigilance, my girl has had the freedom to act without thinking.

The only reason she isn't acting is due to her tall shadow lingering steps behind her. His hand at her back, comforting her. Not controlling her. No one can do that.

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