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I tilt my chin up and give him the same intensity. My lips hover over his. I move my hand against him harder. He grunts, but I keep my eyes on him.

"Is this what you like," I say onto his lips, moving my hands up and down.

He leans into me, shutters, "Yes."

His words are a plea for mercy. I smile on the inside. He has no idea what's coming.

I remove my hand from him and slide it inside his shorts, instantly making contact. He has no briefs.

He groans as I grab his shaft. I squeeze, move up, and then down ever so slowly. I decide to close the distance of our lips and press them together. I give him a hard kiss while I move my hand.

He deepens the kiss and I allow him. Something in me is warming. His breath is that of mint, refreshing but not emasculating his natural taste. Realizing that I am responding to his lips and his tongue strokes, I break away.

I look in between us where my hands work and pick up the speed. A curse comes from his mouth, and I get satisfaction on the inside.

I say lowly, "I've been bad, alpha."

My hand slightly slows, squeezes him, then resumes going up and down his length at the new pace.

He breathes into my neck, "Yes."

His breath is hot and sets my skin on fire. He kisses the spot, sucking on my flesh. I let my head fall to the side and can't help grinding into him. He taunts a spot between my neck and collarbone with his teeth.

Then, I feel a sting. I try to turn my head, but the pain goes away and I'm molten lava. As he sucks and licks the spot, I feel all of him. It feels so good. I fidget some more against him.

"Look at you move against me, baby," he teases.

I turn my gaze towards him as I shift my hips.

He sustains me up with one hand under my thigh, near my ass, then runs his thumb down my lips with the other.

He deliciously says, "You deserve to be punished," then drags his hand to my chest, cupping my breast. I arch into him. My hands slightly stilling with the sudden warmth.

He orders, "Did I say to stop, witch."

Reminding me again of the true objective. I almost lost focus. He wants things real. Well, he's about to get real blue balls.

I resume my stroking and he seems satisfied. A smug expression on his face.

"Good girl, now how will you learn today," he warns.

But, I already know how. I know what he wants.

I move closer to him, and whisper in his ear, "I'm quite thirsty alpha," I dangle the idea in the air, kissing sweetly under his ear.

He stills. I feel the muscles on his shoulders contract. He releases me and I release him. My feet thump on the floor. He seems not to breathe. He stares at me.

I smile, and lower myself down slowly, keeping my eyes on him the whole time. I move my hands to his shorts, and he does not protest as I bring them down.

Being this close, I get a better look. I knew he was big. I felt it. But seeing him... He is hard...massive is a better word to describe him. My mouth waters.

This all might be to piss him off but something in me enjoys the prospect. He still has not moved or said a word. He stares continuously.

I bite my lip because I know he would notice. Before my teeth make to bite my bottom lip, he stops me, placing his large hand on my neck. I look up through my eyelashes.

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