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The drive to Zain's territory is short. The anticipation is what made it seem an eternity.

Four days passed. I haven't heard any news from Zain. We do not know his game.

Maddox and Marisa have not experienced a bloodlust episode. That means they are no longer touching Jason and well, without Zain, my feelings are in control.

I spent the four days raking my head over Zain's intentions.  He should have come back for me. Two ciphers are better than one.

Plus the fact that I am his mate should have made him retrieve me. I find myself questioning my worth. Despite all the benefits, he left me to be.

His cold shoulder makes me more comfortable with my decision. I had fought Maddox and Marisa over it.

They did not like the idea of going into his territory alone. Maddox tried to use the tether as an excuse but I resolved it. Jerry allowed me to use his house.

I restrained Maddox and Marisa to Jerry's house, building a perimeter of charms and herbs around the compound. My witches would make sure the charm stays intact constantly replenishing and changing the herbs.

The vamps would build a protective wall. They will stay watch. Jerry loathed the idea of getting involved but I used something that never fails to work, guilt.

His hate for my mom separated him from my father. My father had to lose his only family. So we grew up alone. I laid it out savagely.

It was not fair but it worked which is all I care for. I do wish for him to be safe. I want for all of them to be safe. If Maddox and Marisa go through an episode, they will be confined to the house. The only ones at risk are our crew.

This time around they were aware of the risks. They accepted it. I only hope that it does not come to that.

I get closer to Zain's house and further from my family. The four days of fighting with Marisa and Maddox have also been four days of being inseparable.

We shared beds. We ate together. They had their feeders while I enjoyed Jerry's home cooking. Jerry tried his best not to stare.

I even spent time with him. When he is not mentioning my mother, he seems like he would have been a decent uncle.

The car stops moving. I have arrived at my destination. I shake my head wishing it would also dispell the hurt in my heart. As I got out of the car, I instantly latched onto stormy blue eyes.

Zain is alone outside, waiting. He sensed me. Everything increases in me. I walk to him at a normal pace.

My feet feel heavy. My hands feel antsy. As I get closer to Zain, I want to jump into his arms. I fight it. I bring myself back to my last moments with Maddox.

I had said my goodbyes to everyone. We did not know how long our separation would be.

Marisa refused to see me this morning. She hated the idea. Come to think of it, we had never been separated and it tore her heart. It tore mine.

She hugged me hard all night. Come sunlight this morning, she released me and refused to talk to me. She did not want to see me leave her. I understood.

My only alleviation was that I saw Adam coming to her side as I went toward the car. He would look after her. She would be consoled by him even if she had not become aware of her changing heart.

Maddox was the last one to say goodbye to me. He led me to the car.

He opens the door, "Amica mea, don't go. We'll find another way."

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