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It takes everything in me not to march up our room and yank Marisa by her precious golden white locks. She has not been honest with me.

Maddox and Marisa never mentioned an engagement. They never told me the truth about the Ambroses and how big of a threat they were. To think, this could have been avoided to some extent by their honesty.

Had I known Marisa was engaged to a pureblood, I would have fought harder to convince Maddox the engagement and treaty with Zain was a bad fucking idea.

For whatever reason, they did not trust me with the truth and here we are. I start to doubt those in my life.

Zain got me in his territory with the hope of finding his mate, me. Then, when he confirmed it, didn't give me a chance to save those I love by denying me the courtesy of coming clean with his dealings with the Ambroses.

Maddox and Marisa knew all along they had beef with the Ambroses and never told me anything of their past with them, even though my life and Jason's were still tied to theirs.

Both parties have screwed me over, and I have no idea who is supposed to have my loyalty. One thing is clear. I need to rescue Jason and get the hell out of reach from both.

It has become obvious to me that we have been used time and time again. Everyone counts on fidelity but no one gives it in return.

I will protect my brother, the only one in this whole situation who has not utterly betrayed me in some form.

"Can I ease some of your tension," Zain eyes me from across his office.

We have been in here since Marisa decided she needs precious time.

I give him a death stare. I am not in the mood. I grunt in frustration and walk to his desk.

"Walk me through again how they approached you," I lean on the desk, locking eyes with him.

He gets up from his chair and walks to me. "I have told you my encounter with them about five times since we've been in here."

"I don't get it. The Ambroses wanted to stop the treaty with the wolves. It's a pretty big risk to give you my name knowing I was tied to the Malfattos. Even if their end goal was to punish Maddox and they didn't think Marisa was going to go through with it, they risked not getting a hold of them. They had to know the Malfattos and I would be surrounded and protected nonstop by your pack."

Zain gets in front of me and I reluctantly turn my body towards him. "Is there a question?"

I lean back against the desk, my butt resting on it. "Is there anything else you aren't telling me? I will not forgive any more indiscretions."

"I have told you everything, Helena. Ask me what's really on your mind." He leans closer to me.

"It's an inside job. Who do you suspect?" I give him a quizzical look.

"I trust my pack."

"They came into your territory and kidnapped my brother and your sister. They knew of my charms. They knew of Jerry's cabin. They also knew me and you were not together. You mean to tell me you have not started to suspect that someone has double-crossed you."

He looks at me with such thought. "Yes, the thought has crossed my mind. I am not ignorant but I cannot pinpoint who. This is my pack. I trust them. You should be asking your bloodsucker for answers. Seems to me like this has a lot more to do with them. They were the goal. We were the tools."

I push him slightly away from me. I need some air. Marisa does owe me answers and I think it's been long enough. I get up and walk around him to the door.

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