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I feel a shift to my left. Naturally, I adjust myself. I wrap around the teddy bear stronger. My head moves up and down, snuggling it to death.

Behind me, I get squeezed with the same intensity. Low breathing is felt in my outer ear. I am trying to find a new spot to get comfortable. I back up against the warmth and squeeze my bear more to me.

The breathing in my ear picks up. I release the weight in front of me to swat at my hair. The breathing tickles. Subsequently, I back up some more.

I hear a low growl, a warning.

"We have company, amica mea," a lustful voice rings sweetly in my ear.

My eyes go flying open. I immediately jolt up. Disturbing the bear, only to realize it's Marisa.

I sit up and look to my right at Maddox. He has a smug smirk. He holds his head up with a hand.

"Good morning, Helena," he says sinisterly.

My mouth felt parched. I clear it as I say, "Morning."

Marisa sits up next, stretching and yawning, "What's wrong? Let's cuddle some more."

"Helena seems to have other things in mind," Maddox teases.

I scoff, "I thought Marisa was a bear. She moved. I was trying to get comfortable."

Marisa raises an eyebrow in question. I shrug my shoulders. I will ignore Maddox.

I scurry off the bed, "we are wasting time. Get dressed and fed. We need to go back near the eastern border. We know Jason must have been there for a while."

Marisa gets up. She goes to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She mumbles with the brush in her mouth, "Are we allowed?"

"Since when do you care for permission," I answer as I open our room door to call for spare clothes.

She comes out, "Oh I don't. But should I prepare for a brawl? I fixed my nails yesterday. I wouldn't want to ruin them."

Maddox gets up. He takes the clothes from my hand, "There will be no fighting. We will go to the area and hope for the best. If Helena's mate has a problem with it, then we will find other means to look for Jason."

I noticed his disdain when he said mate. I look at his eyes. There is some sort of disappointment.

"It has to be that area. We have to start there. I know it," I protest.

"Then let's hope your mate won't cause trouble," he answers.

"Call him Zain," I request.

"He is your mate, isn't he," Maddox probes.

"So he says," I answer.

Maddox gets closer to me, "Did you think we were not going to have a conversation? Tell me. You ended our thing because of him."

"We do not have a future. That is why I rejected you," I say.

"It never bothered you before," he moves my hair out my face.

I look away from his stare. I glimpse at Marisa. She is pretending not to listen. I want her to intervene but she believes this conversation needs to be had.

"What's your real question," I eye Maddox.

"Do you love him," he waits for my response.

I couldn't look at him. I don't know what I feel. Love is a strong word. I thought I loved Zain. I mean, I do. I don't know.

Without the necklace on, I feel an ache in my heart. I feel hollow knowing Zain is over with me. His body with mine felt chemical.

It was all in an instant. This mate bond the werewolves have is crazy, out of this world. Something I never thought I would have to experience.

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