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I couldn't get to our room fast enough. I hear Zain's heavy steps right behind me as we climb up the stairs.

As we got closer to the door, I tried to listen in for any sign of them. A laugh. A whisper. Even a moan. Anything.

But I did not hear a sound pass my beating heart. I heard a constant ring in my ears.

Once I get to the door, I bang it open. The sound is loud and clear. It would make everyone jump, except Marisa.

I look inside the room, scanning it from one side to the other. At first, my glance is so brief that I completely miss them. Until I hear her snarky voice.

"My invitation to our bed no longer includes the dog. I'm afraid Adam and I have better taste," she eyes Zain with distaste.

She sits on Adam's lap. Her feet dangling to the floor and her body leaned into his chest. His arm craddles her hip. They are the image of tranquility.

I rush toward her and bring my arms around her neck. I cling to her out of relief, almost knocking her off Adam. He brings his hand behind her back for extra support.

Marisa keeps her comments for a brief second. She is confused but comprehends I need this hug. After a quick second, I let go and she led me to sit, holding my hand.

We both sat on Adam, one on each knee. I didn't notice at first and Adam did not seem to care.

Marisa squeezes my hand in between us.

"Do I even want to know why you reek of dog and are underdress," she raises her eyebrows.

I laugh at the insult because I'm glad that she can throw jabs at me. I seriously thought I had broken her or put Adam in danger again.

I became aware of my state and my proximity to Adam by a tug in my abdomen. I am lifted off effortlessly, pulled back against a strong chest.

I used my hands to steady myself against the impact. I didn't mean to be thoughtless. It wasn't my intention to provoke Zain. Not for Zain's sake but I know how Marisa gets when she thinks someone is controlling me.

"Helena, tell me my eyes are deceiving me," she gets up from Adam's lap. Adam steadily gets up behind her.

His hand was on her waist. He senses the change in her tone.

"Depends on what they are telling you," I try to smile it out.

"Oh don't even try it. You mated the dog. Have you lost your mind?"

Zain interjects. His hands lay firmly on my shoulders, "I can say many things but I won't for the benefit of Helena."

"You wouldn't dare say a word to me. You are unworthy and she has forgotten everything we have lost because of you," Marisa pierces me with her eyes.

"I am aware of what he has done. It's complicated."

"It's not. We don't fuck those who kill our friends. It's plain and simple." She says it like an adult talking down to a child.

"Zain didn't kill them."

"No, he only gave them the information on how to find us."

Zain squeezes my shoulder. I can tell he is trying to stay patient. "I did not. I admit to communicating with them prior. But that's all. The deal was they told me who my mate is and I got the Malfattos here. They never told me what they were going to do or how. This is my territory. I thought I would notice if they trespassed it so I was not worried about them taking action without my notice. It was a error."

Marisa rolls her eyes. "So you expect me to forgive you based on a technicality."

"I did not ask for your forgiveness. I do not covet it. Helena is what's important to me. All I wanted was to find her. Once I did and found out how intertwined the Malfattos were with her, I kept heavy security. I knew all they wanted was you in the area but this is my area. I run these woods. I haven't figured out how they came into my territory to abduct Maddie and Jason. I'm even more intrigued on how they also got into town without even a peep."

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