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I try not to flinch as he slams the door on his way out. The doctor introduces himself before he examines my arm, or so I think. I am not paying much attention.

No. Instead, my eyes are drilled into the door expecting it to open.

Who do I want to come? Marisa? Maddox?

No. I know who I want to see. Maybe, out of guilt. Maybe to tell him off. I want to see Zain right now. I am fuming.

I mean, why do I care? I barely know him.

'It was my mistake trusting you,' his words echo in my head.

They sting. I do not need his trust. I can be described as many things but being untrustworthy has never been one of them.

Marisa trusts me. Jason trusts me. Maddox trusts me. All those at home put their faith in my leadership, yet he dares to say I'm untrustworthy.

Well, fuck that, I am not doing this for him. I agreed for Marisa. I did not want to see her unhappy, but an alliance must be made. I am sick and tired of having my people hurdled in a small town, our only sanctuary.

They should be able to explore without worrying about being drained from their life source or being ripped to shreds by angry wolves.

I am a good person... I am a good... I suck.

Regardless of my reasonings for accepting Zain's offer, I gave him my word. He was very clear about his expectations, and I agreed. His expectations were not that hard either to follow.

He only asked to be given an honest chance. We may come together for the benefit of our people, but we should not deny ourselves the chance to also make each other happy. There is nothing evil in that. It's honestly refreshing.

Yet, I go on and let Maddox finger fuck me. He is not even here with me. I know he is not scared of a wolf.

"Ouch," I hiss, realizing that the doctor is finishing up on his second bandage.

He instructs me to apply a honey ointment in the morning and before bed. I nod my head, or I think I do. I have so much on my mind.

I walk absentmindedly to my room. I slam the door and let myself belly-flop on the bed, wincing as my arms slam into it. That was stupid. I roll on my back and stare at the ceiling.

It could be the injury, the pain, or my lack of will to see anyone further, but I found my eyes feeling heavy until nothing comes to view.

My stomach clenches. A slight sensation of wet droplets run down my neck. I squeeze and squeeze my eyes shut.

'Mommy, where are you going,' I ask in a much younger voice as she leads me and Jason into Lady Marisa's room.

But she ignores me. I cannot see her face. I keep asking and asking. She leads us, allowing me to only see her back. We blindly follow because how could we not? She is our mother. I love her. She loves me. I am safest with her.

She rushes into Marisa's room. Maddox is in the room. Fangs are ready to attack. Marisa is nowhere near sight.

He eases at the sight of my mother.

My mother asks, 'And lady Marisa,' panic in her voice.

Maddox quickly strolls to a chest near the bed, opening it. A very small, fragile-looking Marisa compacted inside. He helps her out. I rush to my friend, hugging her.

We were both the same height at the time. Her tiny arms come around me. My mother does not waste time. I see her pull a dagger out.

My eyes widen in terror. She grabs my hand, but I panic, crying and screaming.

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