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Her body became limp in my embrace. The smile that she often possessed permanently vanished. I will no longer see radiance directed at me.

I caress her hair, and bring her body closer to mine, crushing her in my arms. What a wretched creature.

How could she leave me when we just came together?

I feel hands on my shoulder and I snarl. I turn and meet grey water-streaked eyes. She needs this as much as I do. I slowly unreal Helena's body from me.

Marisa's hands shake as she guides them to Helena's face. She brings her face to Helena's and sobs.

I couldn't do anything besides stay guard during her weak display. I'm broken too. The last thing I can do is make her whole when I am not, so I'll keep watch while we are in enemy territory.

Marisa cries. "You left me alone. How could you?"

From the corner of my eye, Adam closes in but keeps his distance. He scowls at her comment.

She isn't alone. But I can understand how it might feel like so. I take a look around at the scene. Bodies on the ground.

Then a rage hits me.

Not enough. Their not the bodies that should be deceased.

I place my hand on Marisa and she gazes up at me. I give her a stern look. I need my calculative sister. The one that can ice anyone with her stare.

I tilt my head about our surroundings and it's as if for the first time she realizes where we are at. She slowly lets go of Helena. She lifts off the floor and wipes her tears discreetly away.

When she gazes back up, her transformation is quick. There are no water-rim eyes or weak persona. Instead, Marisa Malfatto comes to view; a cold, vicious pureblood who seeks retribution for what has been lost.

Her eyes, bright red sons, ready to scorch anything that gets in her path. At her readiness, I fall into that anger. I hone my features but my body calls for violence.

We turn toward our unwanted viewers. Marisa orders. "Adam pick her up. Be the utmost careful with her."

I am at the forefront. "We will depart. Jason," I give him the intensity my heart is enduring. "Her body will be laid to rest in Vales. You may see her when you want. You know the way home."

Marisa makes a disgusting noise. Something between a sigh and the sound you produce when your lips smack. It's one of disapproval.

"For now." Marisa walks closer. Her eyebrow furrowed in displeasure. She disapproves of him, our friend. Someone whom we thought of as family.

Jason puts his hands in his pocket and shuffles his feet. The action jars me, reminding me of her. She had the habit of biting her lip and not being able to stay still when she experienced discomfort.

I grate my teeth at the memory. There will be no more exchanges between the two in which I provoke her uneasiness. In where she makes me descend to madness with want and need in the simple motion of her mouth.

He says. "You can't possibly believe I wanted this." Those very familiar eyes shined with tears made to make any individual cry along.

But I will not. Jason, my confidant, will not get an ounce of sympathy from me. Helena may have not blamed him but I am not her.

I warned her I was not good.

I place my hands behind my back to hide the intense sensation of striking someone. Most importantly to prevent the need to hit my love's brother, the man who should have had her back.

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