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Maddox's bond with Jason is unrestrained. Marisa and I got a small taste earlier of what that means.

She practically sucked the life out of Adam because I was making out with Zain. We have no idea what is going to happen to Jason.

So, we have no idea what Maddox is capable of. His blood lust can be extremely dangerous.

"He can't be alone anymore," Zain tells me while giving Maddox a death stare.

"You still think it's him," Marisa rolls her eyes.

"No, but he is no longer being held back. Can you guarantee my pack's safety now that Jason and he have an uncontrolled bond," Zain answers her.

We stay quiet. Maddox has said nothing. He keeps looking at the string and broken pendant in my hand.

I can sense fear in him, despite his facial features staying stoic. He is afraid of himself. No one might be able to tell but I can.

I grab his hand. It snaps his attention back to me.

In a reassuring tone, I say, "You won't harm anyone. I can fix this."

He squints his eyebrows. I don't give it a second thought.

The offer comes flying out, "until we find Jason, I can cast a spell. I can't bond you to me because you are already bonded to Jason, and I still don't know how my mother did it. But, I can tie you to me physically. I can make it to where you physically cannot leave my side or more than a couple of feet from me."

"Not going to happen," Zain interjects.

I roll my eyes, "I was not asking you."

Maddox gives a smug look, "Don't worry, I won't touch her."

Zain squares his shoulders, "that's not the problem. If you go blood crazy, I am not thrilled with the idea that Helena will be the only vessel in sight."

This changes Maddox's demeanor. He is serious all of a sudden. The thought never crossed his mind.

He lets go of my hand and places them behind his back. Again, creating the distance.

"You're right. We won't do that," Maddox disagrees with the idea.

I am annoyed. I am not scared of him. I can take care of myself. Marisa helps me before I can assure Maddox.

"She won't be alone with him. I will be by her side the whole time. If Maddox gets out of control, I will be there to stop him," she gently touches Maddox's shoulder.

He gives her a thankful stare. Zain grunts loudly. He is pissed at the idea but overall hates the situation we are in more.

"Do whatever you like to keep that one under control, I'll leave him to you guys, but I need to find my sister. This has never happened in my territory. No one has ever dared before you guys came," Zain states.

Zain forgets my brother is missing too. I would never have any say in that. Marisa and Maddox wouldn't either.

"This isn't only about your sister. Whoever took them, targeted us as well. It's probably someone who wants this alliance broken. They were expecting you to act before thinking," I point out.

The anxiety builds up. My eyes slightly water. I have never been away from Jason. He is all I have from my parents.

What if I can't find him? What if they kill him to teach us a lesson?

It's not fair. I have given up too much already in my life for this peace my parents sought. I won't give him up.

Maddox gets closer to me, "amica mea, we will find him. I swear it."

Zain makes a grunting noise and reaches for me. He grabs my hand, pulling me away from Maddox.

He whispers into my ear, although he knows everyone can hear, "Helena, I will find your brother and my sister."

"We will find them," I correct.

"I don't trust him," Zain looks past me at Maddox. There is no anger just seriousness.

"Trust me. Maddox needs Jason. He will be our biggest ally," I answer him.

Zain stays quiet before continuing, "Can you not restrain him to a room instead of having him tied to you?"

I know he hates the idea of me and Maddox alone but Maddox is not a threat. I won't be treating him as a prisoner.

"So you don't trust me," I fire back.

"You were intimate with him yesterday," he says in a matter fact tone.

I give him the same attitude, "I ended my decade-long love with him after a few news-breaking minutes with you."

He squints his eyebrows. I stare him down.

"Sorry being mated to me is such an inconvenience," he says.

I don't want him to think I regret finding out. I'm overwhelmed, that's all, and he is not making this the easiest thing to accept. Especially when he is questioning the very people I hold dear.

I don't know if Zain did it on purpose or if he forgot we were not alone. Maddox catches a glimpse of me and I see it in his eyes. He heard the news.

I have a mate, and it's this wolf. It's the very alpha he wanted for his sister. The one who was supposed to fix our problems. Instead has created more for him in a way.

However, Maddox does not say anything at the moment. But, he heard. I know he did.

I don't even press the matter to Zain. Whether he did it on purpose or not, it no longer is relevant. Maddox and I are over.

I don't respond to Zain. I move on to what matters, "I'll have the vamps smell around the territory. If more blood was left behind, then they will pick it up."

"They will be accompanied by some of my wolves," Zain adds.

Marisa shrugs, "Whatever makes you feel better dog."

I can hear growls in the background. Some of his pack members overheard and don't like her tone.

I sigh, "I will try a locater spell on Maddie and Jason. I'm hoping whoever took them does not have a witch helping."

"They will be dumb not to mask their essence," Marisa ends my wishful thinking.

"It's still worth a try," I add.

We sent a group of vamps with Zain's wolves. Marisa is overseeing that the vamps don't act out of control.

Perhaps, not the best babysitter.

Zain, Maddox, and I walk the opposite way from the group. We check for clues elsewhere, anywhere.

I cyphered Maddox to tie him to me. It is a strong restriction. It is an ongoing spell. With the power I extracted from Maddox, there is no way he will be able to break the tether I have with him. Only I can break it.

As we get closer to the eastern border of Zain's territory, Maddox tenses. I look around and see nothing.

Zain sees Maddox's shoulder tighten. He unconsciously moves me behind him.

I say lowly from behind, "Are you okay?"

Maddox does not answer. I see him with a razor-sharp focus towards the trees but I can't detect anything.

I see Zain look around, but I can tell he is also unaware of what Maddox is picking up on.

I try to get closer to Maddox. I move from behind Zain cautiously. Zain lets me through but keeps his hand in mine.

He seems like he is ready to pull me in an instant's notice, and might rip my arm out in the process.

I slowly use my other hand to reach out toward Maddox in front of me. I don't want to speak if there are enemies around. They might pick up our location.

Just as my fingers are about to make contact with my childhood friend, he turns towards me.

My eyes enlarge in fright and concern as I see his usual shining eyes without light. Instead, a red hue encompasses them, a blood lust red.

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