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I expected Zain to stop me for the good of his pack and all werewolves. It touches my heart that he wants me to stop for my well-being instead.

He hates that I am with Maddox, yet he would rather see me live. He tried to kill Maddox and keep me captive but I expected a strong reaction. When it came down to it, he did the right thing. He set me free.

Well, he attempted to let go of the reins. I was the one who tied the noose. I had underestimated the magic. I thought I could end it anytime.

I was willing to renounce my life if Zain gave me no other choice, but he has. Due to my arrogance, I will have to continue the ritual.

I give Zain a saddened look with a smile. I can't say anything because the spell is taking place. Our eyes connect and his eyes cloud with regret.

He shakes his head in protest. "No. Don't give up. End the chant there."

He understands my predicament, but I can't end the chant there because if I did I just cursed the wolves. I'll be taking away their leaders. It's the same predicament the vamps are in.

Humans will be able to pick them off one by one without the alphas or pure lines. These leaders have kept the order and secrecy, without them whose to tell how long it will stay this way.

To think of a world without their existence is crazy. Why should I or my mother have a say in which race lives?

I need to finish the spell and take back my words.

My eyes quiver as I shake my head no. I have to do this and protect him. We have damaged each other but he was a victim of the actions of my mother too.

I take a deep breath trying to remember where I left off. "They will continue to be fruitless until natural enemies unite..."

Yes. This is how it has to be. My death will also prevent the vamp curse from being lifted so I have to right the wrong.

Jason is my mom's other loophole but I will not give him such fate. He has a loved one. He has someone he has chosen above all others and I will not use him as my mother has us.

The air seems thin. Perhaps, my lungs are taking less in. My body feels heavy. My blood flows steadily out as the magic continues to rage.

But by the look of my vitals, I won't be able to ask for more.

Marisa moves closer. She places her hand in mine. I glimpse at her. She kisses me on the cheek and then bites her wrist hard. I can hear her silent plea, use me.

Next, Maddox comes into view. He tucks a strand back.

I stumble forward a little but it was not his touch. It's the magic. I am wasting time and minutes of my life by not finishing it.

He slashes his arm similar to mine and grabs my free hand. He cups Marisa's cheek before displacing her hand with his. "My job is to protect you both."

He wants me to utilize him. They both have figured it out.

I meet those golden eyes that often guide me to safety but I could not follow this time around. I will never sacrifice him.

Something deep in my throat is felt. I lean forward and cough. Blood spurts out, rimming my lips. I am dying.

I have to end the spell.

Maddox squints his eyes. "Amica mea, I will kill every last werewolf on this planet at your demise. I will kill women and children. No one will survive. Without you, there is no good in me. You will be signing their death certificate."

He says every word with such cruelty. He never blinks. He raises one eyebrow to call his bluff but I don't.

I want to argue and tell him he is crazy,  that he needs to live without me but he stops me in my tracks.

"And when I am done with them, I will turn on the rest of the coven. I am not a hero. I will kill anyone and everything that you care about because you had the nerve to leave me. Do the world a favor and use me. Better, do me a favor and prevent such torment? I don't want to be a monster but I will be one without you. "

Another cough makes its way out of my throat. This time I rasp for air. It's coming to a close.

I examine him and his gape is severe. I notice the shift. He will go through with his threat.

I shed tears at what he is making me do. He squeezes my hand and I close my eyes. I try to use his essence, to cipher his blood in my stead.

But the magic does not double. I sense nothing from him. My eyebrows raise in surprise but I take a breath in relief.

His lips are in a thin line. "I mean it, my love."

But I didn't need a threat, I simply can't do it. Jason comes to my other side. "The wielder can perish."

I nod my head yes. It's the wielder that needs to do the sacrifice.

Maddox snaps his head back at me. This time there is true panic in his features. "No. No. No. This can't be."

He grabs my face in his hands and I lean into them. I close my eyes and relish them.

How long have I kept myself from being with him, from his touch, and now this is the last thing I will experience.

When I reopen my eyes, I do not lament anything. I have my family with me. Jason. Maddox. Marisa. I couldn't ask for a better departure from this earth than to be accompanied by them.

It gives me the rest of the strength to continue. "...Until an alpha and a vamp of pure blood come together in body and soul can the curses be broken. I, Helena Thorn, give my life in offering. Let it be."

My head becomes extremely dizzy as the last words are spoken, ending the spell. Despite the blood flowing steadily, the magic abruptly stops.

The wish is complete and all there is left is for the sacrifice to finish. By the appearance of my state, it's any minute.

With nothing else aiding me, I crumble down. Cold hands catch my body before hitting the ground.

My eyes shift from closed to open. I can't seem to keep them in one state. My sight is not one to rely on.

The cold hands move and I'm pulled to a chest, cradled in an embrace. A tender kiss makes contact with my forehead. I smile at the gesture.

It's him. "You condemn me a life of solitude and you have the gull to smile, my love."

This makes me smile some more as I snuggle into his chest some more.

Another voice starts. "I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. I shouldn't have gotten involved. I should have helped. I love you. Why did you do it?"


Then another. "Shut it. She doesn't need to hear your laments now. She does not blame you. Don't make her feel guilty for your guilt." The sharp voice reprimands.


I smile some more. Hearing them bicker together makes me content. My only regret is not being able to stay with them for long.

I gasp in some blood and grab onto Maddox as I struggle for air. This is it. This is the end.

"I will find a way." Said someone.

Another cried. "I can't do this without you, Helena. I need you."

The voices were so muffled at this point I couldn't distinguish.

But the last voice sounded more sorrowful as they whispered to my ear so quietly that I hardly heard it. "When the heavens release you, and you walk the earth again, come find me, my love. I will wait. There is no amount of time big enough."

A kiss on my head and the cold embrace of darkness were the last things I felt before my eyes closed.

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