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"Uncle," I call for him, shocked.

He is alive. Gratitude consumes me. This is the last relative Jason and I have. Our last connection to our father.

The sad part is that we didn't even know we had that and finding him was a pleasant surprise. He is tough in the exterior and quite grumpy but not that bad.

Zain gets up from his chair abruptly. The hatred in his eyes is visible. "It's you. You're the mole," he announces.

The admission raises my eyebrows. I was so relieved to see him that I glossed over the fact as to why he is alive with the Ambroses.

Arthur said the source was going to count the events. Realization hit me in the pit of my stomach. He is the mole.

"I am not a mole. I would have had to be one of you to be classified as that," Jerry counters.

"Jerry, tell me he is mistaken," I'm quite sure I am not. So I refuse to call him uncle.

The feeling of stupidity encompasses me. How did I allow him to get close to me? I desperately wanted to know my parents, to feel connected to them so I accepted him into my life.

"This has nothing to do with you or your brother Helena." Jerry gets closer to the table.

Zain makes to move but I hold his arm. He eyes me in contemplation. This isn't something I want fixed with hits. Not yet at least.

"They kidnapped Jason and made him endure goddess knows what. It has everything to do with us, "I reproach my only family out there.

I admit it hurts more than I expected to be betrayed by this man.

"This was set in motion well before you were born Helena. It's your mother's fault," Jerry eyes us as he rounds the table and stands near Arthur.

His hands are in front of him. His green eyes crinkled at the corner telling the story of worry and exhaustion. Betraying your kin can cause that in a person.

Arthur motions toward our seats and I bring myself down to sit. Zain reluctantly followed behind.

"Why," is all I manage to ask.

I glimpse at my brother. He studies Jerry. This is his first time laying eyes on him. I wonder if he sees what I see. The resemblance between Jerry and him, with that, the resemblance with our father.

Jerry gains my attention, "First, I didn't betray you. I am saving you."

Zain chuckles. A dark laughter laced with venom. Jerry gets antsy but continues.

"Your mother ran away from her pack after Nathaniel used her but her heart never left them. She promised herself that she would save her pack which in turn would benefit her children, for obvious reasons..."

Because we are their mates.

"So she came up with a plan..."

Jason interrupts him, "Wait, wait. We are supposed to take your word. Last time I checked, my mother did not mention you yet you are aware of her intentions. Sounds far-fetched."

"I told your sister that your father kept contact with me until he eventually stopped. He would discuss Cheryl's plans. The letters stopped once it was too late. I have them still," Jerry's voice trails off.

Jason quieted down. At the indication of proof, he had no more argument. Best believe, we both will be reviewing these so call letters thoroughly.

"Nathaniel wanted to safeguard his children's mate, his precious Cheryl's kids. She never doubted that. She knew he was not ill intention. But she couldn't let her children be used so she left. The first letter I got from your father describes the journey to Vales. They heard from outside sources that the Malfattos had a controversial tolerance toward other species. Most importantly, they had a group of loyal witches with no leader," Jerry states.

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