The Morning After Pt. 3

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Requested by Ahughes716

"Do not go gentle into that good night," Stella read, "Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

She peered down to where Ares lay, his breathing even and eyelids fluttering. She closed the poetry book and set it on the bedside table. Slowly, she moved from her spot and readjusted the covers around Ares. She leaned down, kissing his temple.

"Sweet dreams, my little love," she whispered.

She left the room, closing the door before heading toward the living room. She took one step only to lose her footing when she stepped on one of Ares's action figures. She sighed and bent down, cleaning up the toys before someone else would've tumbled over her son's neglected toys. She reached for a small toy car only for a pale olive hand to grab it first and hold it out.Stella looked up to see Demetri squatting in front of her, eyes clouded. "Thanks," she said as she took the toy from him and placed it in the toy chest.

"No problem," Demetri answered. He watched Stella collect more toys and moved to help.

"I got it."

Demetri's motions faltered. It hadn't been an easy seven months since Stella and Ares arrived at the castle. No, it had been quite difficult seeing why Stella had come to Volterra. Enemies had heard Demetri now had a weakness, a child living in America, and had decided to use that information to their advantage. Stella, the wildcat that she is, had defended her son but not before finding out more would come from her and her child. So it was with desperation that Stella packed some of her and Ares's belongings and hopped onto the first plane she could get to Florence and then drove to Volterra.

At first, Demetri was thrilled he now got the chance to bond with his son with Stella's blessing naturally. It was his position with Stella that caused strife. She was used to doing everything on her own, it was what she did for five years raising Ares, but now she had Demetri. She understood Demetri was trying to make up for lost time but she didn't want to rely on him again. No, a younger naive Stella would've melted into Demetri's arms but the older wiser Stella knew better. She allowed him to be in their child's life but she kept Demetri at arms length when it came to her.

"It doesn't hurt to have help..." Demetri tried reaching for another toy.

Stella snatched the toy away and flung it into the bucket. "Last time I had your help I woke up alone in a hotel room in Paris."

Demetri flinched at Stella's cold tone yet he had expected her answer. She stood and made her way into the living room. The tracker followed her. She sat on the couch, lacing her shoes.


"-Stay and look after Ares," she interrupted, "I need to hunt I'll be back in an hour."

Demetri moved with Stella to the entryway. "Then I can get Felix to watch Ares and I can accompany you."

Stella grabbed her jacket from the coat rack. "I don't need a babysitter," she snapped.

"I didn't say you needed a babysitter," Demetri moved to the door. "I know hunting in the winter can be difficult. I can show you another place-"

"-I don't need you showing me anything." Stella reached for the door handle. "I can handle finding my own food."

She opened the door only to have it slammed closed by Demetri's hand. She whirled, half expecting a fight only to see Demetri's solemn look.

"Demetri Volturi-"

"I'm sorry." the tracker apologized, "I'm sorry for Paris. I'm sorry for the way I made you feel. I'm sorry for not being there for your pregnancy. I'm sorry that I made you feel like you couldn't reach out to me. I'm sorry you had to become immortal even though you never wanted this life."

Stella stood still as Demetri continued. "I'm sorry I missed out on Ares's milestones and you had no one to rely on because you felt like everyone would hurt you as I did," Demetri ran a hand through his hair, 'but most of all, I'm sorry I caused you to be this way."

Stella felt a piece of her frozen heart crack. The words she had longed to hear finally came out of Demetri's mouth. She crossed her arms in front of her. She battled with herself asking if she should forgive him and try to move on with her life or stay angry and feel betrayed for the rest of her days.


"-Do you know how confusing it is to love someone who looks like the person you hate?" She asked, her voice soft.

Demetri stopped as Stella looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "Do you know what it's like to sit staring at the phone, wondering if you should call the father of your child only to remind yourself you were nothing but a conquest to him?"

Demetri shook his head. "You were never a conquest Stella..."

"You made me feel like one."

Demetri sighed, "I shouldn't have left you alone."

"Yet you did," Stella spat.

Demetri yelled, "I WAS SCARED OK?!"

The two vampires quieted down as they heard sheets rustling and Ares sighing in his sleep.

"I was scared," Demetri confessed in a whisper, "I knew I liked you before we slept together before we traveled through Europe together! I liked you since the first moment you set foot in this castle."

Demetri ran his eyes over Stella. "The mortal girl that walked straight into a vampire's castle just to yell at her cousin's ex." Demetri laughed, "That was the girl that stole my heart."

"Then why did you leave?" Stella asked, her voice small.

"I knew after that night..." Demetri flattered for a moment. "I knew that I could never give you what you deserved. The loving partner, the family, and the growing old together. If I stayed, if there was ever anything more than just a fun night together...could I be selfish enough to ask you to remain by my side forever?"


Demetri took Stella's hand into his own. "I loved you then Stella Anne Swan and I still do, but I know I am unworthy of your love or forgiveness and I know better than to ask for either. All I ask is that you let me help you raise our son and to help you however you need."

Stella turned her attention away from her ex-lover's face and to the door of Ares's room. She replayed all the moments she witnessed between Demetri and their child. Demetri was able to teach Ares things she would never be able to, even the use of his father's gift. Demetri felt Stella's hands flex before she turned back to him.

"Ares needs a father and you're trying," she explained, "but there is nothing between us romantically."

"I can settle for friendship if you think I'm worthy enough for that."

Stella looked down at her shoes and sighed. "I guess friendship will work."

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