204. New Trick

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A man who runs from the guards suddenly catched Dela and made her hostage. Dela is panicking because she's never been in such a situation. Buggy sighs and approaches the man then touches his back.

"Excuse me, can you release my friend there?" asks Buggy.

The man immediately turns around and shouts, "I TOLD YOU TO NOT GET CLOSER OR I'LL KILL HER."

"Whoa, whoa, okay, calm down man," says Buggy as he raises his hands, but his wrists have gone.

The man is surprised and asks, "Y-You, where're your hands?"

Buggy looks at his hands and then stupidly says, "Eh? Where have they gone? Ah, there they are."

He said that while looking at the man's hands so the man also looks at it. Buggy's detached hands suddenly grab the man's hands. Then Buggy forces him to release his hold of Dela and then she runs back to them. Jude hugs her and calms her down because she's scared.

"W-What the-!? You!" says the man angrily as he tries to attack Buggy, but he can't move.

He looks down and sees that his feet are covered in grey matters. Jude has grabbed his feet so he can't move at all as Buggy also holds his hands.

The guards look at it dumbfoundedly, so Buggy shouts to them, "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? IF YOU DON'T DO ANYTHING, THEN I'LL KILL THIS GUY MYSELF."

The guards wake up from their stupor and immediately catch the man. Buggy really wanted to kill that guy, but he knows it will cause problems with the Kingdom. Such a thing will hinder his peaceful days in this Kingdom and he doesn't want that.

"Will you just let him go like that, Captain?" asks Ruff.

"You must be kidding. There's no way I'll let someone who threatened my crewmate like that go," says Buggy while smirking.

"Eh? Then why-?" asks Ruff confusedly.

Buggy grins and explains what he has done in a low voice to hide it from others. He has inserted some of his cells into the man while they talked before. Buggy entered his cells through the man's skin pores.

After his cells entered the man's body, he assembled them and formed them into a sharp spinning saw. Then he moved that saw through the man's body and made internal damages in the man's body.

"I just made a lot of shallow cuts through his body, so he won't feel it for some time. But internal injuries are dangerous and even if they are shallow, they will make him suffer slowly and eventually die. I will never forgive those who threatened my crewmate's life," says Buggy with a calm expression, but Ruff knows he is angry.

"*Gulp* I don't want to think of what that man will go through. But, what about your cells, Captain? Have you retrieved them?" asks Ruff.

Buggy then shows a very small round plate made of his cells and says, "Yeah, here they are. They're covered in his bodily fluid, so I don't want to put them back inside myself for now."

He has a disgusted look and so is Ruff. Then Ruff takes his water bottle and immediately pours the water on the lump of cells to clean it. After the cells get cleaned and the water dried, Buggy finally puts them back in his body.

The group then goes to a cafe so Dela can get relaxed and calm down. They just relax in the cafe while eating & drinking. Buggy also thinks of something while he relaxes with the group.

'Hmm, if I can insert my cells into my opponents' bodies and attack their insides, I will be able to injure those who are stronger than me. They won't be able to do anything with their insides when I attack them. Maybe I can even destroy their hearts or brain and kill them immediately. Damn, why did I never think of this,' thinks Buggy.

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