341. Finally A Break

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Buggy is not happy with what they meet right now. An area full of massive whirlpools that can turn into small Knock-Up Streams isn't something that anyone will like to come across in their path. These whirlpools can suck their ship and the up streams can flip or break their ship.

Even the Clown Pirates who have gone through many crazy things are unhappy now. The biggest problem is that they come across this area right after passing through another crazy area. It makes them think that the sea really tries to kill them now.

"How is it?" asks Cricket.

"I think it's doable. We'll still do it either way because it's our only option right now," says Buggy before he goes to the rudder.

Buggy takes the rudder and tells Enel to look at their path. They will move through the whirlpools, so they need Enel to watch their way while Buggy controls the ship. It's the crew's best combination to use in this kind of difficult situation.


"AYE AYE SIR!" replies everyone.

The crew spread the ship's sails and the ship starts moving again. It moves very fast because the wind is very strong. The whirlpools suck the air in the surroundings and it makes the wind around them to be very strong.

But it also makes it very dangerous because ships will get sucked into the whirlpools. Even skilled crews might fail to cross this place, not to mention unskilled crews. So The Clown Pirates need to be very careful and brave enough to take risks.

Buggy controls the ship to enter a whirlpool that spins counterclockwise from the side. Then he spins the rudder so the ship can move on the whirlpool's edge. The ship moves on the edge while the crew members stay on the right side to balance the ship.

Enel looks at the situation ahead from the top of the front mast. Then when he sees a chance, he shouts to inform his crewmates. "WAY AHEAD! RIGHT SIDE, CLOCKWISE!"

Everyone understands Enel's codes and Buggy immediately spins the rudder to the right. The crew members run to the ship's left side as the ship moves out of the 1st whirlpool. Right when they reach the left side, the Black Pearl jumps out of the 1st whirlpool and enters the 2nd whirlpool.

This whirlpool is rotating clockwise, so they have momentum and the ship doesn't flip over. Enel chose this whirlpool to move for this reason. It's the safest path to take for them who have just done this kind of thing now.

Their plan is to ride the whirlpools on the edges and jump over to other whirlpools. Enel is looking for the best path to take while Buggy controls the ship. The other crew members are balancing the ship so it can keep moving on the edge.

They keep doing that while Jude keeps track of their path and tells Enel if they go in the wrong direction. But they need to go around many times because they are following the whirlpools' directions.

Sometimes, they need to turn around because they don't have any choice. When they jump over the whirlpools, they use jet dials to push the ship's front & rear in the direction that they want. It is a very dangerous move because the ship can flip, but it needs to be done, so they take the risk.

But the turns aren't the real problem now, it's the small Knock-Up Streams. Those things can suddenly appear and when they appear, they suck the water around them to move up. It will cause the ship to get pulled too, so the crew needs to prevent that.

Luckily, they have strong engine propellers that can overpower the pulling force. It's just that the small Knock-Up Streams always appear without any sign. So they need to always be ready for them.

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 2Where stories live. Discover now