395. Maverick

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The man that finally shows up has a small stature with a skinny and rather short body. His skin is black and he looks quite young, unlike what Buggy thought after hearing his voice that sounds deep and very manly. Buggy thought someone with a Gigachad physique will appear, not a kid-size man.

There is something unique about the man's appearance though. He has an eye on his forehead, a 3rd eye that looks like his other 2 eyes and functions normally. So Buggy knows this guy is a member of the 3rd eye tribe, but that doesn't matter at all.

"Are you a kid?" asks Buggy.

"No, I'm an adult. My dead mom said that I would be an adult after turning 20 years. It has been 6 years since I passed that age," says the man.

"Oh, so you are 26 even though you look like a kid. Well, 26 is an adult, still younger than me though, I'm 30 this year, after all," says Buggy.

"What about the story?" asks the guy.

"I will tell you, don't worry. Let's change the place though," says Buggy.

"No, let's do it here," says the guy with a wary tone. He is still vigilant toward Buggy.

"Fine, but at least tell me your name," says Buggy.

"Maverick, that's what my dead parents used to call me," says Maverick, the 3-eyed man.

"Damn, that's a cool name. Alright, Maverick, what do you want to hear first? The full story of my adventure will take a long time to tell. So I can tell you a general view of this world that I've seen, or a group of people who look like you," says Buggy with suspense.

Maverick seems surprised by the last statement, "People like me? What do you mean?"

"You sure realized that you have 3 eyes and I only have 2, right?" asks Buggy.

"Yeah, you are strange," says Maverick. He thought that everyone has 3 eyes because his dead parents also have 3 eyes and he had never seen other people besides his parents his whole life.

"I know I'm strange, but that's not because of my eyes. Most people in this world only have 2 eyes, Maverick. There aren't many who have 3 eyes like you in this whole world," says Buggy.

"Really?" asks Maverick, still not fully believing what Buggy said.

Maverick doesn't just skeptical about Buggy's statement, he is also confused because he doesn't know how big the world Buggy means. His whole world is this island. Even though his late parents have told and taught him many things, he won't understand much without experiencing them himself.

Buggy is very impressed with Maverick's parents now. They taught Maverick so well that he could grow to this extent without socializing with people other than them. From the way he talks, Buggy knows that Maverick isn't an idiot, he's just inexperienced.

"Well, let's start with that then, about the knows groups of people with different physical characteristics," says Buggy.

Buggy starts telling Maverick about known races and tribes that spread all over the world. He also tells Maverick the estimated number of people living in this world right now. There are billions of them, and it makes Maverick confused, so Buggy doesn't dwell there.

He focuses on telling Maverick about the variety of people. Human, Giant, Fishman, Lunarian, Sky people, etc. He tells Maverick about those races and human tribes like the 3-eyed, long arms, long legs, snake neck, etc.

The human race is the race with the most varieties in this world. There are a lot of classified tribes that have members with distinct characteristics. But tribes aren't the only factor that makes humans very diverse.

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 2Where stories live. Discover now