328. A Message

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Sengoku & Garp's defeats are big surprises for the Marine. Buggy defeated both of them alone simultaneously. Furthermore, he did it after killing Sakazuki and defeated Kuzan & Borsalino before that too.

"So this is what he meant by a real monster. Surely I can't see him as anything other than a monster now. He's a monster scarier than Roger or even Whitebeard," says Tsuru.

"That much?!" says Gion in surprise.

"Of course, that much. He is still young, but he can defeat both Sengoku & Garp without much effort. How strong do you think he'll get when he grows older?" asks Tsuru.

Gion realizes it and Buggy will certainly be a very scary foe.

'I just hope that he will be more like Roger and Whitebeard in personality. At least both of them are not cruel despite being lawless pirates, so we won't need to worry about his crew massacring people. It will be a lot more troublesome if he becomes like Big Mom, Kaido, Shiki, or worse, Rocks. We aren't ready yet for the rise of another Rocks,' thinks Tsuru.

Tsuru looks at Buggy who gathers some small cubes that float around him. The cubes then form into an arm which surprises Tsuru. She looks back at Garp who crashed onto the broken ship and sees that he lost his right arm now even though he doesn't bleed there because it wasn't caused by a normal cut.

He is looking at Buggy very seriously now as he stands slowly on the floating scraps. Garp can feel his arm that floats in front of Buggy, but he can't control it. So he just stands there looking at Buggy without saying a word.

"Garp, you have spared my life once, so I will spare yours now to make it even. But there will be no next time, for you and everybody here. Just mind your own business and don't disturb my adventure. Although I'm sure you won't listen. Don't blame me for what happened next though," says Buggy as he throws the arm to Garp's assistant.

Buggy turns around and the Marine doesn't even try to stop him as he flies slowly to his ship. Then he suddenly stops and turns back to the Marine, making them nervous.

"Oh right, I want you to send a message for me, you Celestial Dragons' dogs. Tell those 5 old shits on Mary Geoise that they better not f*ck around with me. If they even try something funny, then it will be the last thing they'll ever do. I don't care if they send more people to entertain us. But if they go after our people, then just know that I will make that throne really empty," says Buggy with an intimidating voice.

The Marine officers don't know the full meaning of Buggy's words. They just know that he wants Gorosei to not go after his people, his family. But they don't know anything about making the throne empty.

Buggy then goes back to his ship and detaches his right hand before reaching the ship. He uses his detached hand to punch the ice that is still stuck around the ship. It seems like a weak punch, but it breaks all the ice and frees the ship.

The Clown Pirates then leave the location under the frustrated Marine's watch. There's nothing the Marine can do after their strongest forces get defeated. They are lucky that Buggy didn't destroy Sengoku's ship too so they can at least go back now.

"Tsk, it's our loss, a complete loss. No one was expecting this kind of result. Save anyone you can save, we'll go back immediately and try to control the situation," orders Tsuru.

The Marine officers do as she says and they immediately go back. Sengoku has his body getting attached and so is Garp's arm. They are now sitting in a room together with the remaining Vice-Admirals without an ounce of happiness after their bodies get put together.

"That power, can anything stop it?" asks Sengoku.

"What do you think? It could even cut through my advanced level Haki that can block Whitebeard's power. That kid's power is something beyond anything we've ever seen," says Garp.

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