356. Independence

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Before telling them his plan, Buggy takes the 2 kids to the main deck where everyone gathers. He calls the teenagers to come forward and sit on the floor. Law & Lami also join them, then Buggy tells them his plan.

"Alright, the 4 of you have been on my ship for years, and you're more than qualified to start your own crew," says Buggy.

Alan, Elen, Jack, & Yamato are surprised by that statement. So Alan asks, "What do you mean by that, Captain?"

It's the first time Alan calls Buggy Captain after a few years because this is a serious matter.

Buggy then says, "It is what it is, I want you to form your own crew and develop yourselves. If you keep staying under my wings, then you'll never grow to a great height. You know Marco & Jozu from Whitebeard Pirates, right? They are great and strong, but when compared to me & Shanks, they are lagging behind."

"We come from the same generation as apprentices. But Shanks & I have spread our own wings while he stays under Whitebeard till now. You all surely can see the differences in our achievements right now. Marco's & Jozu's achievements always become Whitebeard's achievements, while mine & Shanks are ours alone. Both me & Shanks have carved our own paths, while they are still following their father's footsteps," says Buggy seriously.

The teens know what Buggy wants to tell them, they aren't that stupid to not understand it. Even though Buggy & Shanks were forced to start their own crews because of Roger's death, starting their own crews was their own choice. They could choose other things to do, but they decided to make their own crews and sail as Captains.

Alan looks at his friends and says, "Alright, if that's your decision, then we will do it."

"Brother/Alan!" says Elen & Yamato in unison with surprised tones.

Jack doesn't say anything and just nods, he is a very obedient guy, after all.

"Don't protest! This is Captain's order, so we need to follow it. He also never said that we aren't parts of this crew anymore," says Alan firmly.

Buggy smiles and says, "Good, it seems you understand my intention."

Alan nods and says, "You want us to make our own crew which will be Clown Pirates' subordinate crew, is that right?"

"Yeah, but I also won't hold you back by forcing that. You can choose to not be a subordinate crew if you want. No matter what you choose, your crew will still be my crew's ally because in the end, you will still be our apprentices," says Buggy while smiling.

"Our crew will always be your subordinate crew, it is my decision, and I'm sure they also think that way. We were saved by you and we are forever grateful for that," says Alan.

Jack nods firmly, then Elen & Yamato also nod while tearing up. They never thought there will come a day when they'll leave this crew that they love so much.

Buggy nods and says, "Alright, it has been decided. Law & Lami will join your crew, but not as members, they will be apprentices. You guys are ready for Grandline, but they're not. So you guys will train them and teach them things about sailing. Law, you need to form your own crew too in the future."

"To defeat Doflamingo and World Government, you will need power, knowledge, and experience. The best way to do that is by starting your own crew and exploring the world. You can't stay with the 4 of them forever because they can't keep babysitting you. They can already enter Grandline right now, but they will train you first," says Buggy.

"No problem, I will do anything necessary to defeat them," says Law.

"Good, that's the spirit. Alan, Elen, Jack, and Yamato, you guys will stay on North Blue for 2 years. Expand your crew and train the 2 of them. They will also gather their own crew while training, so you can help each other. Manba will stay with you to teach Law & Lami about medic for a year. But he won't help you in battles, so keep that in your minds," says Buggy.

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