215. Execution

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After defeating the Beasts Pirates, Enel does a double check to make sure that all the enemies are dead. Many people are looking from afar and the Clowns ignore them. But Enel still uses his power to hear them in case there are some Beasts Pirates' men.

In the meanwhile, Manba is treating the injured ones with his team. He wants to treat Enel but the guy still wants to inspect the enemies' conditions. Only after he finishes can Manba treat his injuries which are the worst from everyone.

"Hey, do you think Captain knows that your opponent has a power that counters yours naturally?" asks Manba while treating Enel's injuries.

"I'm sure he knows and that's why he assigned me to fight this guy. Captain always said that the best way to grow is by fighting strong enemies. This guy isn't the strongest enemy for me, but he is the worst. If I can win against him, then surely I must get stronger. That's why Captain made me fight this guy," says Enel.

"Are you guys done yet? Vice-Captain called me just now and told us to gather in the Mayor's residence. Magnus will stay here with the men and prevent anyone from leaving," says Jude while walking toward them.

"Anyone?" asks Magnus.

"Yeah, anyone without any exception," says Jude.

"Alright, I'll sink every ship that tries to leave," says Magnus.

Manba hastens his work and then they go to the Mayor's residence. Enel has become a mummy with bandages all over his body, but he still can walk normally. He refused to use a wheelchair and choose to walk instead because he doesn't want to appear weak.

Sometime later, they arrive at the Mayor's residence. In front of the residence, there are many tied-up people. Most of them are Beast Pirates who don't join the war because they have other jobs.

Buggy & co have caught them but haven't killed them yet because Buggy has a plan for them. Enel, Jude, & Manba enter the residence and see Buggy & co in the front room, waiting for them. Buggy's group laughs seeing Enel looks like a mummy.

"Hahaha, is that a new fashion, Enel?" asks Palu while laughing loudly.

"Tch, shut up! Manba just overdid himself," says Enel unhappily.

"So, was your opponent good? I hope you improved a lot now," says Buggy.

"As I thought, you know his power, don't you? You should've told me so I could prepare for it," says Enel.

"What's the use of it? Unexpected things always happen in a war, so you need to be ready for everything," says Buggy while smirking.

"Alright, alright, you're the boss. Here, my improvement," says Enel while showing his newly acquired A-Haki.

"Oh, it's good. The hardness is good for someone who has just awaken it," says Cricket as he checks Enel's A-Haki.

They also check Manba's newly acquired A-Haki. It is not as hard as Enel's Haki, but Manba can imbue it into his weapon already. His strong desire to use A-Haki on his weapon has resulted in this development.

After that, they move to their next plan which is to get this island's denizens' hearts. They bring the people that they've caught to the main plaza and gather everyone on the island including miners and innocent prisoners.

Deon has made sure that the prisoners are innocent by looking through many documents. They can't release those who did real crimes if they want to get people's trust. Releasing these innocents will make people trust them more.

After many people gather, Buggy starts his speech and shows Solax's dead body. Then he shows the Mayor that has been captured. It makes the people surprised because they never thought that the Beasts Pirates & Mayor's group will get defeated.

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