339. White Island

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After seeing the White Island, Buggy cancels his idea to get onto the island immediately. He orders his crew to sail around the island first to see its overall view from the sea. They go around the island and they see that it's completely white everywhere.

The island is also smaller than they thought. Its size is only half of the Sabaody Archipelago. There is no mountain on this island, there are only 3 hills that can be seen from the sea. The trees here are normal in size though, unlike the previous island, but all the trees are white.

The crew then docks their ship on the coast of the White Island, The Clown Pirates are looking around curiously at all the white stuff there. Everything is really white here and this place is also very cold. It's actually as cold as the deeper parts of the Arctic and Antarctic, but not as cold as the center.

The Clown Pirates, or at least the early members have gone to both the Arctic & Antarctic, so they know just how cold those places are. This island is almost as cold as the deepest parts of those 2 places that they've ever reached.

On the coast, the temperature is already at -50 degrees Celcius. So the center of this island should have a lower temperature because the effect of the hot water & steam is the lowest there. But the temperature difference shouldn't be that high because this island is small and the highest place isn't that high too.

However, even in this temperature, The Clown Pirates are still wearing their casual clothes. Even the teenagers only wear thin jackets, not thick winter jackets. They've adapted to this level of temperature that often felt on the previous island that has extreme weather changes.

The temperature on that island could drop to this level so suddenly. It happened often and it made the Clowns adapt to this level of cold. Their bodies are also far stronger now, so they can handle this cold. Save for the teenagers who are still not strong enough to handle it.

Buggy then orders his crewmates to explore the island as usual. They are moving in groups and each group carries books & cameras to document everything they find. This is what they've always done in explorations.

The crew has a lot of journals about their adventure in many places. But the early journals aren't too detailed and not as good as the new journals because Buggy wasn't that good at making journals at that time and they didn't have enough manpower to explore the whole islands completely too.

So Buggy plans to explore those places again in the future after he finishes exploring the world. He doesn't know when they can do it again as it will take a long time, but that's not a problem. He never thought that he can explore the world in just a few years, after all.

But he will make sure to do it because that's his goal, his dream. Furthermore, most of his crew members haven't explored the 4 Blues. So he wants to show them all those places that he has seen in the past.

Back to the White Island exploration, Buggy is exploring it with the teenagers and Dela. They take pictures and write their observation results. Buggy also takes some samples like leaves, barks, or even pebbles.

The kids even start competing on who can get the most samples with the best conditions. Well, it's just their way to not getting bored because Buggy & Dela are focusing on their observation. Doing boring stuff like writing or observing the items' characteristics isn't something that these kids like, so they do their own kind of observation.

"Are the trees' inner parts also white?" asks Yamato so suddenly.

"Hmm, well, let's check it," replies Buggy before he chops a tree using his awakened devil fruit to not kill the tree.

Unsurprisingly, the wood inside is also white, although it's not as white as the outside. It's rather clear as if the white color is a little diluted. Dela assumes that probably the water content inside the tree is the cause of the rather diluted color.

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