354. Just Another Deal

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Doflamingo's attack on Buggy doesn't end well for him. Buggy never liked the guy to begin with, although he likes his character as a villain. But never as a human being.

After Buggy caught Doffy's kick, he pulls the guy's leg and punches Doffy in the stomach. Buggy doesn't even use haki, it's just his pure physical power. But Doffy already coughs a lot of blood as he flies back very fast.

Doffy crashes into a cliff and it gets destroyed by the impact. The rubbles and snow bury Doffy, making his crewmates panic. They immediately aim their guns at Buggy and shoot their weapon at the same time.

But none of their bullets hurt Buggy because he catches all of them. He only uses basic colorless Haki, so none of them know how he catches the bullets without any scratch. Then Buggy drops the bullets to the ground, making their eyes widen.

"Stop, Deon! They're not worth our time," says Cricket from the top of a tree.

Deon has already sneaked behind the Donquixote family. His punch is just a mili away from Pica's back when Cricket stops him. He pulls his hand under the Donquixote family's stunned gazes.

"Consider yourselves lucky, you bastards," says Deon coldly as he walks toward Buggy.

Cricket gets down from the tree and walks toward his crewmates. There are just 4 of them, but they already make the Donquixote family nervous. Then Doffy comes out of the rubble after opening a path using his Strings.

There's blood around his mouth and he is holding his stomach. He walks weakly while looking at Buggy and the other Clowns. Then he looks at Corazon that gets treated by Manba before looking at his crewmates.

"Let's go," says Doffy before walking away.

His crewmates follow him with bitter expressions but they don't question him. They all know that even Doffy doesn't want to fight The Clown Pirates. It is clear that they don't stand a chance against the 4 Clown Pirates.

Well, they don't even stand a chance against even 1 of the Clowns. Manba or Deon can wipe them out alone in a very short time. Their levels are too different with massive gaps in power and experience.

After the Donquixote family leaves, Buggy walks toward a treasure chest. Corazon has a panicked expression, but he can't do anything because Manba is holding him. He can only watch with a worried expression as Buggy opens the chest.

"So you're here, Trafalgar's kids," says Buggy.

Law is protecting his little sister behind him while looking at Buggy with a wary expression.

"I like your spirit, boy, but you don't need to worry, I won't harm you and your sister. Don't you remember me, boy? Well, I won't blame you if you forget. It has been 7 or 8 years I think," says Buggy.

Law seems confused, but then he widened his eyes as he finally remembers something. "Ah! That red nose! You're the guy that my father always told me."

"Oh, it seems he told you about me. Then this will be quicker. Come with me, I'll protect you & your sister until you're old enough," says Buggy.

"My father said that I can trust you, but I've seen many things happen. Even if he trusted you, I can't," says Law with a suspicious look.

"Well, that makes sense. But it will also be difficult for you to survive on your own. You might not worried about yourself, but what about your sister? Ah, maybe you want to go with that guy? I thought you hate Marine though," says Buggy while pointing at Corazon.

Law is still not sure on what to do, so Buggy continues. "By now you should understand that not all Marines are bad. However, I still don't think it's a good idea to be connected to them. The fruit that you've just eaten is very valuable for the Marine. It has a power that only a few people know and that power is the reason why that Flamingo wanted it so bad."

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