326. Reinforcement

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The war keeps going on and the Clown Pirates are having the upper hand. No Marine soldier or low-ranked officer can hold against the crew member. Only the high-ranked officers can hold their ground against Clown Pirates' executives.

In Marine, the gaps in power are very big among ranks. Their low-ranked officers and soldiers are mostly weak. But they have a number that can't be matched by any pirate crew or organization in the world.

An overwhelming number has helped them most of the time. Unless when they fight against incredible foes like Emperor Crews. That's what happens now when they fight Clown Pirates, one of the strongest pirate crews in the world.

The Clown Pirates became an Emperor crew with their low number compared to Whitebeard or Big Mom Pirates. They only made and expanded their fleet after they started managing territories which they couldn't do by themselves.

That's why The Clown Pirates have high battle power. Even their young members can defeat multiple Marine soldiers alone. And the weakest adult is stronger than all the young ones. It's a girl from Manba's medical team, and she can win a fight against a Marine Lieutenant.

So the Marine soldiers and low-ranked officers are having a hard time fighting them even with more people. Also, the Clown Pirates have solid teamwork and strategies. Their weapons are also much better than the Marine.

That's why Buggy didn't hesitate to have a war with this Marine fleet. He has high confidence in his crew's power and their weapons. The only problem is the high-ranked Marine officers, especially the Vice-Admirals.

Even so, he is still confident his executives can handle these high-ranked Marine officers. Their battles will be difficult, but he knows they can win, they will win. They have gone through many hardships, so he knows they can do it.

However, a big problem appears before the Clown Pirates can dominate the war. Magnus has overwhelmed his opponents. Onigumo, Yamakaji, and 6 Marine Captains can't hold against the fully transformed Magnus.

He blasts them all using his 6 Asura arms quite easily. A giant's physical power is very great and he gets stronger after transforming. He doesn't even use his Axes because they are slowing his movements and it's a disadvantage against smaller opponents who are more agile.

Magnus has injured them greatly and he just needs to deliver the killing blows. However, an unexpected turn of event appears. A gigantic golden figure suddenly jumps toward him and punches his face, sending him flying back quite far.

"ADMIRAL SENGOKU!" shouts the Marine soldiers in unison.

The one who appears is Sengoku, the golden Buddha. Buggy gets distracted by Sengoku's unexpected appearance. That distraction makes him get punched by Garp in the face and he flies back, crashing into many ice blocks.

Luckily, the other executives and many crew members aren't getting hit by their opponents. Their opponents also stop for a moment by Sengoku's appearance, after all. The Vice-Admirals knew that Sengoku will come, but Garp who has fought together with him for decades know how to use the moment.

"Garp, what takes you so long to finish this?" asks Sengoku as he lands.

"Oi, what do you expect? These kids are as scary as Whitebeard Pirates. Just be glad that we don't lose to them," says Garp.

"That's not something to be glad about," says Sengoku.

The Marine's morale raises immediately because of Sengoku's appearance. If Sengoku is here, that means they get more reinforcements. Sengoku's ship finally arrives and many Marine soldiers & some officers enter the battlefield.

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