375. Lesson

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Buggy takes his time at Kozaburo's grave. Seeing a grave like this always reminds him that life is short and that he can die anytime, especially since he is a pirate. That's why he always enjoys every moment of his life no matter how bitter it is and tries to live to the fullest.

Kuina waits patiently without interrupting Buggy because she knows how close Buggy is to her grandfather. But just waiting is boring, so she takes a rather long wooden branch nearby and starts swinging it like a sword. She keeps going on it while Buggy is drinking the sake in front of the grave.

"You won't become a great swordsman if you do it like that," says Buggy after he finished the sake.

"Excuse me?" asks Kuina.

"I said you do it wrong. That's the wrong way for a girl to use a sword," says Buggy.

"Really? But I've always done it like this and now I am the best in the dojo," says Kuina with a pissed tone.

"For now, yeah, but will it be the case in 1 or 2 years? I'm sure there is a boy your age who starts growing fast and catching up to you now," says Buggy.

Kuina widens her eyes as she gets reminded of Zoro immediately.

"It seems I'm right. You know, there are so many ways of swordsmanship because everyone has their own way. Even people who have trained under the same master and use the same style will have differences in their swordsmanship," says Buggy.

"I know that, but what do you mean by my way to use the sword is wrong?" asks Kuina.

"Well, it's because you are a girl, and that swordsmanship is designed for boys. Male's & female's bodies are built differently with different traits too. Males tend to be stronger in raw power than females, but females are usually more flexible than males. The swordsmanship in your dojo is more focused on power and strength which aren't suitable for most females. Some females can have more raw power than most males, but it's a very rare case," says Buggy.

"Then I can be one of those females who has more power than males," says Kuina stubbornly.

"Maybe, but let me ask you some questions first. Can you lift a boulder with a hand?" asks Buggy.

"Huh? What are you-?" Kuina can't finish her question because Buggy asks again.

"Can you destroy a big stone or even a tree with a mere punch? Can you throw a boulder with your hands? Can you make a crater in the ground just by punching it once?" asks Buggy.

Kuina gets speechless and says, "I can't, there's no way a girl my age can do that."

"But there is a woman who can do those things easily when she was just 6 years old," says Buggy while smirking.

"NO WAY! DON'T LIE TO ME, UNCLE!" shouts Kuina.

"Why should I? You can ask my crewmates or people who have gone to New World about that woman. She now has the highest bounty among all female pirates in this world and is considered one of the strongest people in this world. Currently, she is holding the 3rd highest active bounty in this whole world and is considered as an Emperor of the Sea," says Buggy while still smirking.

That's right, Buggy is talking about that monster, Big Mom who has ridiculous raw power. Even Buggy thinks that he is still weaker than Big Mom when it comes to physical strength. She could even throw a Giant when she was a child.

Kuina is surprised by what Buggy said because she knows that even though Buggy likes to mess around, he rarely lies about things. Besides, she can always confirm this by asking later, so it will be useless for him to lie now.

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 2Where stories live. Discover now