205. New Weapons

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After dinner, Ruff reveals the object that gets covered by a white cloth in his hands. But it's not just an object, there are 3 objects there with one of them being longer than the other 2. These objects are the things that were researched by Ruff after Buggy asked him and Gil the weaponsmith made the final result.

The objects are a pistol, a rifle, and a sniper rifle. These weapons have modern earth designs because that's what Buggy asked. But because he doesn't know how the guns work, he asked Ruff to research & build them.

These 3 guns have different designs from the guns in this world. So they are very eyecatching and make the Clowns who see them get very curious. Even more so when they see the bullets that aren't shaped like balls, but long & pointy.

Buggy then calls their best gunners, the twins who joined on Water 7. The twins are a man & a woman at the age of 21. The man's name is Dani, a short & medium-range gunner. While the woman is Dini, a sniper.

Buggy gives the rifle to Dani and the sniper rifle to Dini. As for the pistol, he gives it to Ruff because this guy is also good with guns. If Ruff is more focused on using guns, he might be even better than Dani & Dini.

The 3 of them then try the new guns using different targets. Ruff shoots a target wood on the railing from the middle of the deck. Dani shoots a thicker wood at the same distance. Then Dini shoots a seagull that flies 400 meters from their ship.

The pistol shows a good result by breaking the small wood plank. The rifle is more surprising because it breaks a thick wood block with 1 shot. As for the sniper rifle, it can hit the seagull perfectly, but the bird is destroyed because the firepower is too big.

"Oi oi oi, they are more destructive than I thought. Just how did you make them?" asks Buggy to Ruff with a shocked expression.

Everyone else is also shocked, including the twins who used the guns.

"How? I just used everything I know and this is the result. Besides, this is your idea, Captain," says Ruff nonchalantly.

"I know that I was the one who asked you to make them. But this is not what I expected," says Buggy.

"Is it a problem, then?" asks Ruff.

Buggy gets silent for a moment before saying, "No, it's good. Too good instead, that we need to be careful so that this technology won't get stolen by others. But just because we are wary, doesn't mean that we shouldn't use them."

"Tell Gil to mass-produce the pistols for everyone in the crew. It will be a good secondary weapon or even a main weapon as long as we don't run out of bullets. Produce the rifle for the gunners and the sniper rifle for the snipers."

"They will need to adapt with the new weapon, so the sooner they try it, the better it will be. But tell everyone that they need to be careful so they won't lose their weapons and give enemies our technology. I will punish anyone who causes it to happen and it won't be a light punishment."

"Then lastly, do more research on the bullets and try to make some more variations with different effects. I'm sure you already have some ideas and want to make them, so don't hold yourself. I give you full freedom to do anything you want in this project, just like usual."

Ruff grins excitedly hearing that and says, "Leave it to me, Captain. I will make weapons that make our enemies tremble in fear when they hear our name."

Everyone in the crew is also happy to hear that all of them will get the new pistol. Although most of them aren't gunners, having a pistol with big firepower is a good thing. It can be a lifesaver when they face enemies that they can't defeat with their main weapons.

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