211. First War with The Beasts

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Buggy & the other executives except Enel & Magnus leave the ship stealthily and go to the town. Enel is leading the men causing a ruckus on the port while Magnus stays on the ship to guard it. He is too big to join the secret operation so he stays behind to be a backup.

Enel & the men are attacking the Beasts Pirates on the port. They attack right away after they arrived and kill the enemies that come. There are only some guards on the port, so it's easy for the Clown to kill them.

"Hah, they just put some weaklings to guard this place. They must be very confident that these guys are enough to stop anyone that attacks them," says Enel after his group wiped out the guards.

"Well, their crew name is enough to stop people from attacking this place, after all," says Magnus from the ship.

"That's just applied to those cowards, not us," says Enel while smirking.

"You're right. We aren't afraid of something like Beasts Pirates and Captain never fear anyone," says Magnus.

"Yeah, he is just calculative and puts our safety as a priority. I'm sure if he is alone, he must've gone to attack Kaido right away," says Enel.

"He won't do that. Captain knows his strength isn't enough yet to fight Kaido of the Hundred Beasts. He is a fearless man and most of all, he is a smart man," says Magnus.

"You sure know him quite well," says Enel.

"Of course, I need to know the person that I follow because it will affect my life too," says Magnus.

"Hmm, I just followed him because he is stronger than anyone I've ever met. But well, the more I know him, the more I think it's a good decision to follow him. He is always full of surprise and I still can't find the depth of his strength," says Enel.

"I don't think you'll ever find that. Anyway, we need to stop talking because you have work to do," says Magnus as he points in the town's direction.

Enel grins because he has known it. Many Beasts Pirates are coming to the port from the town's direction. They wear black-furred attire similar to the one in the canon. But they don't have any animal traits because SMILE hasn't been invented yet.

"Magnus, don't do anything, just sit there," says Enel as gets ready.

"I won't do anything, it's your job," says Magnus.

"Boys, let's do what we've discussed," says Enel to the men.

"YEAH!" replies the men vigorously.

"Brook's team, I hope you can play the music even without Brook here," says Enel.

"Yes!" replies Brook's team members before they play the music.

[Ost: Overtaken]

"Let's go!" orders Enel as he walks forward.

The men follow him walking forward to approach the enemies. Their walk becomes more epic with the epic music in the background. They walk until they meet the Beasts Pirates in the center and they look at each other.

"Clown Pirates, a rookie crew with a very high total bounty. It seems your bounty has made you arrogant so you attack this place. Or maybe you are just ignorant and don't know whose Island is this," says Solax, the Beasts Pirates' unit leader on this island.

Solax is a very tall and big man. He is taller than any human in the Clown Pirates as he stands at 3.5 meters. His upper body is very big and his arms are big too, but his legs are small, similar to Cricket. He has dark skin and red eyes with red hair too.

"We know full well whose island is this, Beast Pirates bastards," says Enel.

"So you know but still attack this place. It seems your arrogance knows no bounds. Master Kaido will surely like to educate you himself," says Solax.

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