304. Back to Orange Town

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The Clown Pirates arrived in Orange Town and it's still the same as how Buggy remembers it. It's still a peaceful little town without many activities, or so it seems. When Black Pearl gets closer to the town, many people suddenly run to the port while holding firearms.


The townfolks are pointing their weapons at the approaching ship. They all have very serious and scary-looking faces, making the Clowns a little dumbfounded. Buggy is the most surprised among them though because he doesn't remember these people to be so aggressive.

"Wha-what happened to them?" asks Buggy with a dumbfounded expression.

"I think that's a rather normal reaction when civilians see a pirate crew come to their town," says Magnus.

"I know that, but these people aren't that kind of people. Sure they will fight against pirates, but they look more brutal than normal people. Also, those weapons are too good for civilians like them," says Buggy.

Suddenly, 2 men come out of the crowd on the port. One of them only has his left arm, while the other one only has his right leg so he uses a metal stick to replace his left leg. Both of them go forward and tells the townfolks to stop rushing.

"Stop, guys! They aren't enemies," says the one-legged man.

"But, that is a pirate ship, they will attack us," says the old Mayor.

"Mayor, I told you to wear your glasses so you can see things clearly. Look at that ship's flag carefully," says the one-armed man.

The townfolks now look at the pirate flag carefully as they were told. They get surprised when they finally take a better look at the flag. It's not only them who get surprised, Buggy also gets surprised by what he sees.

Bellemere smiles and says, "It seems your old partners are here too."

Buggy nods and smiles, "Yeah, it's been a long time since I saw the 2 of them."

"Who are they, Captain?" asks Jude.

"Burton & Jimmy, my old friends, the ones who hunted pirates with me," says Buggy while smiling.

Burton is the one-armed man, while Jimmy is the one-legged man. They were Buggy's comrades when he was still a bounty hunter. Bellemere has met them, so she knows them, and they didn't change much, so she recognizes them easily.

The Black Pearl finally arrives at the port and The Clowns get out of the ship. Buggy walks to the crowd while the others walk behind him. He stops in front of Burton & Jimmy, but none of them say anything for a minute.

Then, the 3 suddenly grin, and they take out their weapons. Buggy draws his Kopis Swords, Burton draws a pistol with his left hand, and Jimmy moves the spear in his right hand. Buggy moves his swords to the 2, while the 2 move their weapons to Buggy.

They move at the same time at a very fast speed. Their movements just seem like a flash for untrained eyes and they seem equal. But the result shows that Buggy is much faster. His swords have hit the 2's weapons and pushes them back a bit.

"It's my 487th consecutive win," says Buggy while grinning.

"Sigh, we still can't beat you, huh? Damn," says Burton a little pissedly.

"Hey, he has become one of the best pirates in the world. There's no way we have any chance to beat him now," says Jimmy.

"Yeah, Mr. Great Pirate has left us in the dust," says Burton while grinning.

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