370. Just A Business

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"Shiki? Why're you asking about that bastard to me? I don't know where he is and I don't care about it. He can die or live anywhere he wants, it's none of my business," says Wang Zhi.

"Oh, what a cold thing to say to your former crewmate. But well, I never thought that you would know his location," says Buggy while shrugging his shoulders.

"Then why you asked?" asks Wang Zhi with a big tickmark on his forehead.

"Why? Well, I just want to have a talk," says Buggy while spreading his arms & fingers in a dramatic motion.

Wang Zhi is pissed by Buggy's reason, but then that feeling turns into a surprise. His men's bodies and weapons suddenly get cut into pieces. Then they fall on the floor, but no blood comes out of their bodies and they are still alive.

"What do you think, Wang Zhi? Do you have time to talk calmly with me now?" asks Buggy while grinning like a devil.

Buggy's finger is pointed at Wang Zhi, making the man nervous. He didn't even see Buggy's attack coming before his men get cut to pieces. So he knows that Buggy can cut him to pieces before he can do anything.

"Fine, let's talk somewhere else," says Wang Zhi before walking up the stairs.

They finally have their talk in an office on the 5th floor. It seems to be Wang Zhi's office which he uses quite often. Buggy sits on an empty seat without waiting to be asked, but Wang Zhi doesn't say anything.

"Let's not waste time. Wang Zhi, I'll give you a lot of money," says Buggy while smirking.

Wang Zhi raises an eyebrow and asks, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"You can make a lot of money through me. I know that you won't agree to work under me, so it will be a business between you and me. You aren't an idiot, so I'm sure you know who I am in this case, right?" asks Buggy.

"Jester," says Wang Zhi calmly.

"Bingo! I'm sure you know where I'm going with this. This place is filled with pirates and they all need weapons," says Buggy.

"You want me to sell your weapons to those pirates, am I right?" asks Wang Zhi.

"That's right. I will sell my weapons to you at lower prices, and you can sell them at whatever prices you want," says Buggy.

"What about the shipping?" asks Wang Zhi.

"It depends on how much you buy. If you buy a lot at once, then I can make it free. Even if it's not free, you will still get a lot of profit. Our weapons are the most popular weapons among pirates currently. But the supply can't meet the demands yet and it will never be," says Buggy while grinning.

"So you aren't selling more of the weapons on purpose, huh?" asks Wang Zhi before scoffing.

"High-end products will be better if they are rarer, you know. Besides, we are also producing normal-grade weapons with better build quialities. We made these normal weapons more than the demands, but they are still sold out every time we released them. Even if our normal weapons have the same firepower as other weapons, the build qualities are better, so they are more durable. All of our products are highly demanded by the market," says Buggy while giving a hand signal to Dela.

She walks forward and hands some papers to Wang Zhi. The papers contain their weapons' specifications and the buying limit for each type. Wang Zhi reads it thoroughly because he is already interested in this business.

"The restrictions?" asks Wang Zhi while reading.

"Other than quantities for all products, you can do what you want," says Buggy.

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