284. Last Day on Wano

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Buggy meets with the people that were detained in the submarine. They are gathered at the beach, surrounded by the Clowns who are keeping tabs on them. The submarine also can be seen in the water behind them.

There are 28 people there with different backgrounds. Pirates, rebels, soldiers, criminals, civilians, and even Marines. Their backgrounds make Buggy gets interested in them.

"Where's Deon?" asks Buggy.

"He & his team are inspecting the submarine now with Ruff & my team. Deon's team is looking for important documents while Ruff & my team are inspecting the ship's machinery," says Palu.

"Oh, that's good, they understand what to do. You can go too. I know you're itching to learn that submarine," says Buggy.

Palu smiles before he runs to the submarine.

"Tell Deon to finish it fast!" shouts Buggy to Palu.

Palu just raises his thumb before entering the submarine. Sometime later, Deon comes out of the submarine while carrying some papers. He walks to Buggy and then gives the stack of papers.

"I've read all of them and found something interesting. They came from different places & backgrounds but they have something in common. Either they went against the World Government or Celestial Dragons," says Deon.

"Hmm, Madison, 35 y.o, going against the order to become World Noble's possession, escaping with her lover and becoming pirates. I thought she is a civilian, so she is a pirate, and this baldie with the thick beard is her lover. Love Pirates, is it? Never heard of it," says Buggy.

"Well, these 2 are the only members in that crew," says Deon.

"Oho? That's impressive. They've escaped from World Government for 8 months just by themselves. Wait! I know someone who can escape for 20 years just by herself, so it's basically nothing. Well, it's still impressive for those without protagonist auras," says Buggy.

"Protagonist aura?" asks Deon.

"Uh, don't mind it. Anyway, these guys really have similar backgrounds. So there are 4 pirates, 1 civilian, 2 soldiers, 3 country rebels, 5 criminals of different types, and 3 Marine soldiers. What about the 2 agents?" asks Buggy.

"They are chained inside the submarine," says Deon.

"Alright, I'll take care of them later. Now, what should we do about these guys?" asks Buggy while grinning.

The captured people shiver when they see Buggy's grin. They don't know what he's thinking now but that grin seems evil.

"Don't make those faces, I won't eat you or chop your bodies. I actually have an offer for you guys," says Buggy.

The captured people look at each other and then a Marine man says, "What offer?"

Buggy grins again, "You know that we've just attacked 2 CP0 agents in the submarine, right? We've actually beaten the other agents first, that's why we know the submarine's location. Beating CP0 agents should've proved that we are WG's enemies and that we are strong. If that's not enough then I'll tell you that I've attacked a Celestial Dragon before."

The captured people get surprised and murmur among themselves.

"Then, let me tell you my offer. My offer is for you guys to join my crew. I offer my protection in exchange for your loyalties. How is it?" asks Buggy.

Now everyone gets surprised, including The Clowns. Sure, they need more people in their crew now, but they don't know these people's capabilities. Buggy also knows what they think so he explains his reason.

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