322. Blockage

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"It has been a long time, isn't it, red nose brat?" asks Garp through a speaker after his ship gets closer.

"It sure is, Gramps," says Buggy.


"Really? When you have Grandson, he might be a pirate, you know," says Buggy while smirking.

"Hah, he will be a Marine when he grows up, not a filthy pirate like you," says Garp smugly.

Buggy wants to laugh at it, but he holds it, and he just smirks. "I hope that it will really happen. So, what do you want, old man? You even bring some big names behind you. Is it that infamous Buster Call?"

Behind Garp's ship are 4 more ships led by big names in Marine. Kuzan, Sakazuki, Borsalino, and Tsuru. The 5 strongest Vice-Admirals have come here as if it's a Buster Call. Some Rear Admirals and Captains even join on these 5 ships, so this is very problematic.

"Well, Kong-san told us to talk with you. We won't do anything as long as you go back and not resume your attempt to reach Lodestar," says Garp.

"That's what you called talking? It sounds like a threat to me," says Buggy.

"Will you really stop if we talk kindly to you?" asks Garp.

"We will, when your grandson becomes a pirate," says Buggy while raising his middle finger.

"You want a beating then," says Garp.

Suddenly, the sea freezes almost instantly, and all ships there get trapped by the ice. Kuzan has frozen the sea after confirming that The Clown Pirates won't stop. The Marine can't let them escape using their super fast speed, after all.

But even if he doesn't do that, The Clown Pirates never intended to leave. If they keep escaping, The Marine will just keep bothering them. So they will end Marine's chase here by defeating these big shots.

"This will be the most exciting battle since the war against Big Mom Pirates. Wait! That wasn't a proper war, so it will be the first after the war against Beasts Pirates," says Buggy.

"Are you sure about this, brat?" asks Garp.

"Are you?" asks Buggy while unsheathing a sword and pointing it toward Garp.

The Clowns are grinning excitedly because they can finally have a real war after a few years. They won't back down even if their enemies have a lot more numbers than them. In the last few years, they have trained hard to get stronger, and each of them is strong enough to lead their own crew in Grandline now.

Both sides stare at each other and get ready to fight. Then after a moment, The Clown Pirates open attack. Their ship's front side suddenly opens up and the railgun comes out of it. The railgun has been loaded and is ready to be fired.

"Destroy them," says Buggy before the railgun shoots its bullet.

The bullet it shot is a pure lightning ball that is made of Enel's power. It travels at a very high speed toward the Marine ships. But right before it hit any ship, Borsalino appears in its path and shoots a light beam at it.

The lightning bullet explodes, but it doesn't disappear. Instead, it splits into many lightning bolts that spread and move toward the ships. Borsalino clicks his tongue, but he can't stop every lightning bolt himself.

So the strong Marine officers try to stop the lightning bolts. But many still hit their ships and men, causing a lot of damage. Just one attack from The Clown Pirates has damaged them greatly.

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