332. The Woods

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Clown Pirates' new lives on the crazy island have finally started now. They all are wearing clothes that look like astronaut suits. Ruff designed it because it is the suit that can protect them in any weather.

There are 3 dials inside each of the suits. Breath dial that provides air, heat dial for cold weather, and cool dial for hot weather. With these 3 dials, they all will be comfortable in those stuffy suits in all conditions.

But there weren't enough dials for 107 people. They didn't buy that many of those dials on Sky Islands and it has been a few years since they visited any Sky Island. So there are many dials that get broken after being used for a long time.

But dials are never a problem for them now because Ruff has found a way to create dials from normal sea seashells. He needed a long time to get a result because the seashells on Sky Islands are different from the ones here.

Anyway, the Clown Pirates explore the island after wearing suits. They split into 11 groups made of around 10 people for 10 groups and 7 for a group. Each group is led by an executive so they will be safer & more organized.

The 7 people group is led by Buggy, and Dela is in the group too. The other 5 are the 4 kids and a girl from the medical team that isn't as strong as the other adults. Buggy takes the weakest members with him because it will be easier to protect them himself.

"Alan, Elen, Yamato, Jack, don't move on your own and stick to the group. I will hang you upside down for a week if you disobey," says Buggy while walking.

"Don't worry, Lord, I will keep an eye on them," says Alan smugly.

"Why are you the one doing it? I can do it too," protests Yamato.

"Well, because I'm the strongest?" asks Alan as if it's so obvious.

"Strongest? Do you want to prove it now? I will beat you up," says Yamato pissedly.

"Hoo, that's a good idea," says Alan.

Both of them want to start fighting in their astronaut suits. But then a shadow looms over them and they look at the source. They gulp their saliva when they see Dela's stoic expression as she looks intensely at them.

"W-Well, the Lord is the team leader, so he is the only one who can command us. Let's do as he says shall we?" asks Alan nervously.

"Ye-yeah, I think so too," says Yamato.

Both of them then walk away following Buggy while whistling innocently. Elen & the nurse sweatdrop at them while Jack doesn't really care about their antiques. The group then walks into the forest in the direction that has been decided.

They finally reach the forest and the trees here are a lot taller than they thought. It might be 3 times the height of a giant like Magnus. The trees are wide too, around 5-8 meters in diameter, it's similar to what they saw on Skypiea.

"Wow, how old are these trees?" asks Yamato.

"Maybe hundreds or thousands of years old," says Elen.

"They're so thick, they should be very tough. Hey Jack, Yamato, let's see who can make a deeper dent on the tree," says Alan.

"Sounds fun, let's do it," says Yamato happily.

Jack doesn't say anything, but he already walks toward the tree. This guy doesn't talk much, but he is actually very competitive and likes this kind of thing. Dela wants to stop the kids so they can enter the woods immediately, but Buggy stops her.

"Let them have their fun, we aren't in a rush anyway, and it's better than them fighting. I also want to see just how tough the trees here are. If they are tough enough, we can use them as supplies. Palu will be more than happy to have good wood," says Buggy.

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