389. Shattering The World

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A war between 2 giant crews is going to happen after a long time. The Marines and World Government are on high alert right now because they always keep tabs on the Emperors. They almost missed this war because they always missed Clown Pirates' movements.

But Buggy's brief clash against Whitebeard caused an impact too big to be unnoticed. It could even be seen from some islands nearby. Of course, the Marines would investigate it and they found out about the war.

So they followed both crews and now they are staying near an uninhabited island. There are 3 ships led by a Vice Admiral and 2 Rear Admirals. All of them have been ordered to just observe from afar and prohibited from going anywhere near the island because none of them will be able to handle the impact of the war.

Just as they start observing, they suddenly hear an earth-shattering sound. Then a strong shockwave moves across the sea and hits their ship, pushing them back a little. Birds' and animals' cries can be heard even from their positions.

"What was that?" asks a Marine soldier with a terrified expression.

"Look well, kiddo, this is the reason why we were ordered to keep our distance from the war. The 2 people who caused that can destroy us just by fighting among themselves. This is the power of individuals who compete for the title of The Strongest Man in The World," says the old Vice-Admiral.

Even the Rear Admirals are shaking in fear after feeling that shockwave. They can't even imagine how strong the clash was to cause such an impact. All of them are very glad they don't get any closer to the island now.

On the island, Buggy and Whitebeard have started their battle. They moved first, ahead of their crew members because this war is theirs. There's no point in sending their crew members first before they make their moves. It will just prolong the war and give the Marines a chance to interrupt.

Their clash destroyed the landscape around them even though they haven't gone all out. Even their crew members who have lived with them for years need to stay far away from them. Buggy & Whitebeard fight on another side of the island while their crew will fight on the other side.

The Marine fleet stays on the side where the crew will fight. But the impact still reached them and even terrified them. So the crew members can feel an even greater impact that even made some of them fall from the tremor.

"Gurarara, you've really improved, Red Nose kid," says Whitebeard with a sinister grin.

Buggy also grins and says, "You haven't declined too, old man. I'm very relieved now. You are now the only one who can be the benchmark for my goal to surpass Captain Roger's power."

"As I thought, that's your objective all this time. I've interacted a lot with you to know that you aren't the type to just challenge people mindlessly like Kaido. So you want to surpass Roger. Roger isn't here anymore, so you are using his rivals to see if you have surpasses him. Kaido, Sengoku, Garp, Shiki, and now me. I don't know why you leave Linlin out of your list, but this is very interesting," says Whitebeard while grinning.

"I have another plan for that hag, and for me, you are the best benchmark. I've seen Captain Roger defeat the others, but you and Garp were the only ones he couldn't defeat completely," says Buggy.

"You have defeated Garp, so now I'm the only one left to defeat, is it? Aren't you being too much for this old body, kid?" asks Whitebeard.

"Too much? It only happens because you kept refusing my challenges," says Buggy.

"I just didn't want to play games," says Whitebeard.

Buggy grins and says, "Then let's start this game that you've finally chosen to play."

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