391. The Strongest

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Whitebeard Pirates are shocked when they see their Captain's body gets cut in half. Without any hesitation, they jump out of their ship and rush toward Whitebeard. They all are panicking while The Clown Pirates are just smiling excitedly because of their Captain's victory.

"POPS!" shouts Whitebeard Pirates with panicked tones.

"STAND BACK!" shouts Whitebeard who has been cut in half.

His upper body had fallen on the ground, but his lower body is still standing firmly. There's no blood from the cut that Buggy made because it was caused by Buggy's awakened devil fruit ability. So Whitebeard is still alive even though his body is getting separated.

"I am still alive because of this kid's ridiculous devil fruit ability. Go back to the ship! I need to talk with the kid," says Whitebeard while raising his upper body with his hands.

His crew members are very relieved to see him alive. They were panicking so much they forgot that Buggy's devil fruit ability to cut things is unique because it doesn't make his enemies bleed, so they won't die unless Buggy releases his power and make the cut into a real wound.

"Help me up, kid. You win this, so let's stop all of this," says Whitebeard before sighing.

Buggy grins and reattaches Whitebeard's body by floating the upper body. He attaches it to the lower body and Whitebeard returns to normal again. The old man looks at his Bisento which has been cut in half too and sighs.

"Damn, Murakumogiri is one of 12 Supreme Grade Blades. You've just cut one of the 12 best blades in the world. Do you know how expensive this is?" asks Whitebeard annoyedly, but there's a clear sign of astonishment in his voice.

12 Supreme Grade Blades are the highest-ranked blades. They are the best blades ever created so far and are wielded by the best users who can show their full potential. So it's not just a matter of the blades' qualities, but also the users' qualities.

Yoru wasn't a Supreme Grade Blade, but after Mihawk made it into a black sword and he became the best swordsman in the world, Yoru's rank rose to Supreme Grade. The same goes for Whitebeard's Murakumogiri and Roger's Ace.

Those blades have been used by great users and clashed against other great blades. They have helped their users reach the peak, and that's why they could become the 12 Supreme Grade Blades. Their users' achievements are the exact reason why Oden's Enma & Ama no Habakiri could only become 21 Great Grade Blades.

It's because he couldn't reach Roger's & Whitebeard's level using those 2 swords even though those 2 have ridiculous power and didn't lose from Ace & Murakumogiri in qualities. Their users' power & achievements were just different.

"It seems we will have 2 new swords in the 12 Supreme Grade Blades," says Whitebeard with the same annoyed tone while reattaching his Bisento.

"That will be great. Damn Mihawk has made his big-ass sword rise to that rank. I felt like I'm being left behind even though we still haven't found the winner of our rivalry," says Buggy.

"You surely can win now," says Whitebeard.

"Well, I would always win if I use all my power, but that's not how our duel works. Me & him are just competing in our swordsmanship. We have even stopped using advanced Haki and only use normal Armament Haki to protect our swords from getting damaged. It's just a pure swordsmanship duel now," says Buggy.

"Tsk, no wonder you struggled that much against him. Whatever, you have defeated me, now tell me what you want. The winner of 2 Pirate Captains' battle can take everything from the loser, after all," says Whitebeard.

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