371. Saving Tom

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New World feels very calm now, at least that's what The Clown Pirates felt after they left Hachinosu. They've continued their New World exploration and it went way smoother than they thought. They don't get into trouble too much in the last 2 months.

But then they get information that Tom is caught by Cipher Pol to stand a trial for building the Oro Jackson. Furthermore, he also contributed to building the current most dangerous ship sailing on the sea, the Black Pearl. Without a doubt, he will be executed, but he will face a trial in Enies Lobby first.

Just like in the story, Tom has been forgiven by the World Government. But the damn Spandam set him up so now Tom will be put to death sentence again. Luckily, Spandam did all those things to get his hands on Pluton's blueprint, so they still have time to save Tom.

"Well, lads, I'm sure you know what this means," says Buggy after getting the information.

"Yeah, no need to say it, we all think the same," says Cricket.

"That's right. Fuck that peace treaty! They've agreed to not mess with our families & friends, but they still did it. They bring this to themselves," says Palu pissedly.

Palu respects Tom so much because Tom is his teacher that has taught him so much about shipbuilding. So this news infuriated him more than anyone in the crew.

"Let's go! Full speed to Enies Lobby," orders Buggy.

The crew halts their exploration and rushes to Paradise immediately. Their ship moves at full speed which means they don't use their sails now. They only use their engines which have become much better now.

But even with their speed, they will still need 3 days to reach Enies Lobby. Tom might not last that long, so they need to do something, and Buggy has thought about that. He has sent some people from Water 7's Caribbean branch to infiltrate Enies Lobby and make sure Tom will not die before he arrives.

Also, he calls the 5 Elders on the 2nd day to give them a warning. This will make them think twice and hopefully, they will halt the execution at least. Buggy knows they won't, well, the idiot Spandam won't cancel the execution because he only cares about Pluton's blueprint.

The 5 Elders don't receive Buggy's warning that well. They are still prideful and arrogant Celestial Dragons, after all. Of course, they will get angry after receiving a warning and a threat from a pirate.

But they also know that this isn't just a simple matter now. So they call Spandam and tell him to halt the execution until they give an order. And he is more than happy to have more time to get the information about Pluton's blueprint.

After that, the 5 Elders order Cipher Pol and the Marine to keep track of Clown Pirates' movements. The agents & marines immediately execute the order and try to find the Clown Pirates' location. But even after a day, they still can't find the crew.

The Clown Pirates are experts at moving without getting detected. So they could fool the agents & marines easily as they go to Paradise. When the agents & marines finally find them, it's already too late because they've arrived in Enies Lobby.

"Enel, can you find him?" asks Buggy.

Enel closes his eyes for a moment to hear all the voices on the island. "He's on another side."

"Must be the bridge, let's go," says Buggy before the ship goes to the other side of the island.

They sail right beside the sea waterfall circle, but none of them show any fear. This waterfall is not something they need to be wary of because it's quite normal for them. They've sailed through more dangerous things, so sailing near this waterfall is not that thrilling anymore.

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