214. Last Battles

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The war continues and just like what Manba said, the normal members finally win after a short time. Now only Enel, Jude, & Manba haven't finished their battles. They need to finish their battles soon and Enel orders their men to pull back to the ship.

The men pull back and they tend their injuries in the ship. They've won, but they also received a lot of injuries, including some fatal injuries. Some people are gravely injured, so Manba's medical team immediately treats them while the ones with minor injuries treat themselves first.

After their men pulled back, the 3 who still fight get more serious in their battles. They need to finish soon because it's been rather long since this war started. But it won't be easy with strong opponents to fight.

Enel has it the hardest because his opponent is his natural enemy. His lightning attack never works and his physical attacks can't deal significant damage to his opponent. He is in a pinch and has gotten a lot of injuries because of his enemy's attack.


Solax punches Enel's stomach and flings him back to where the big war is located. There are only Beasts Pirates' corpses there because none of the Clowns died. Buggy has taught them that their survival is the most important, so the Clowns always find a way to live in a war.

Enel looks around while holding his pained stomach and senses some life signs. There are still some survivors among the Beasts Pirates who looked as if they were dead because of their grave injuries.

"I should teach those guys to put more attention to this. But well, they must be tired after fighting these many people. Then let me help you a bit while releasing some stress," says Enel.

He extends his hands to the side and then his hands glow brightly. Suddenly, lightning currents appear from his hands and spread all over the place. The lightning current hits all the Beasts Pirates be it the ones who died or live.

Enel stops after some time and now all Beasts Pirates' members finally died. Buggy's order is to not leave any one of the Beasts Pirates alive because they aim to reduce the enemy's power. Leaving the enemies alive will make their effort useless.

Solax who understand what Enel had just done gets angered. Of course, he doesn't care whether his subordinates died or alive. But if all of them died, then Kaido will kill him for losing so many strong troops.

His unit is actually quite strong among the Beasts Pirates' units. Without sufficient strength, they won't be tasked to manage a territory with just less than 500 people. This is New World, after all, so the enemies are strong and 500 isn't a big number.

But they lose to a crew with around 50 people in total and not all these 50+ people fight. This means that The Clowns have become stronger than this strong unit of Beasts Pirates. It's not the best unit, but it's still a strong unit.

Enel & Solax continue their fight with Enel now getting more concentrated. He needs to awaken his A-Haki if he wants to win against Solax. That's the only way because his devil fruit doesn't work against this guy.

But of course, it won't be that easy and Enel is the one getting beaten up now. His movements have become better though and he can evade more attacks. This battle will be very beneficial for Enel if he can win this.

On another hand, Jude starts to gain an advantage in her battle. She has found a way to increase her ash's temperature before the crew reaches this island. Now she is using this new finding in her fight against the gorilla-man.

She strikes the gorilla-man with her hot ash many times. Jude uses blunt and sharp attacks before but they didn't work. It's mainly because ash is too light, it doesn't have enough weight to make strong attacks.

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